Junk mail

I have received 4 political advertisements in the mail telling me how to vote on issue 2

2 For
2 Against

On election day I will take a final count and vote for whoever sent me the least
The funniest thing happens in my neighborhood with the political ads. About a third to a quarter of the Republican or conservative ones don’t show up until after the election. I noticed it back around 2010 or 2012 or so, and it always goes that way. It doesn’t seem to happen with the Democrat ones. I wonder why ?
I don’t think I’ve gotten a single mailer this year. I have gotten multiple texts from the “no” side of the ballot. The number is lower though than the august special election which was ridiculous.
I’ve gotten as many as four or five fliers in a single day.

Of course, I’m here in Cuyahooglie County, so we get flooded with them.
I’ve gotten as many as four or five fliers in a single day.

Of course, I’m here in Cuyahooglie County, so we get flooded with them.

Twenty twenty two and it’s primary cycle was pretty bad for me in terms of fliers. I’d consistently get three or four every day for like two weeks straight.

The texts in August were bad. I’d get two or three a day all throughout the day. It was topped off by a personal phone call at three PM on Election Day encouraging me to vote…

I voted a few weeks prior to Election Day 😂
Do unsolicited texts count too? I've received 2 encouraging a Yes vote.

The dems texted me a bunch in 2020. I told them I was undecided and might vote green party because Biden wasn't liberal enough for me. I haven't gotten any texts this year. I must've got banned :ROFLMAO:
I often get unwanted mail offering me a chance to buy overpriced life insurance. It's generated either through my bank or credit union. Occasionally, I fill the postage paid envelopes with random ads, articles, and coupons, and mail them to the insurance companies.