Great read every parent should read.

Great article from Lancaster and great that the parent writing the article saw the light. Unfortunately, that’s the exception to the rule. As long as you have the Splineless in administration and school boards this coaching thing in high school may Never change at many, many schools. And the players suffer in the end. Go away helicopter parents. Go back to your cave and let the kids play and the coaches coach. ����
Well...I can see parent influence being a problem more and more but remember: Nobody, including coaches, is always right. Every situation is different and needs to be looked at in that manner. If it is about playing time then the parents are wrong 95% of the time. My son was a four-year player and three-year starter. The Coach is an amazing person. Give you the shirt off his back. Was he a great coach? No...More suited to middle school...Did I think I could do a better job? My goodness no! I do have the advantage of having played for 2 coaches who are in their respective Hall of Fames so I have an interesting perspective. I am a coach geek...when I go to games I sit behind the bench and listen to the coaching. There are some terrific coaches out there and I learn a bunch from eavesdropping....but I can also say there are many bad coaches out there. Just like any profession, there are great, good, mediocre and bad people filling positions. Yes, too many parents today think their kid is the next Lebron and it is ridiculous, but let's keep each situation in perspective.
Whenever I talk to coaches and they mention how difficult officiating is, I always point out that I only have to listen to angry parents while I'm working the games. They have to deal with it essentially year round and they have to answer to these parents in many cases. Administrators too often take the easy way out and give the taxpayers what they want.

You couldn't pay me enough to coach a high school sport in this day and age.
I guess all this just goes to proves some people don't make good parents......just like some people don't make good refs or good coaches. The problem we all have in today's world... each of us wants to judge everybody except the man in the mirror.
Only job you go to where 1000+ look over your shoulder and have all the answers. Everyone should have this many people look over your shoulder 2-3 days a week at your job and find out how hard it is !