Smoove just had to make Smoove's presence feltified up in herrr. Smoove loves the FED....unless it the penitentiary, then y'all can have it!
Here is the way it gonna happenate:
GlenOak at Lake - Lake gonna get they anemic O goin' this week and put up aboutcht 30, Glenny gonna only get aboutcht 13.
Jackson at Green - this one of those that have Smoove up at night....thinkin' aboutcht tha Smokin' Hottie Mommies in Green!! Green 23-14
Louisville at Hoover - Hoover decent ballclub, and they do not suck like Louisville.....
Perry at McKinley - McK get things straightened outcht this week kinda like Smoove plannin' on gettin' Smoove's Straighteneded out!!! 20-7
Tiebreaker total points in the St. Thomas at Minerva game. Oh, my ... Smoove gots to go ... 4-2, StA wins wit a last second SAFETY! This game give Smoove the intestinal gastraceousness Smoove get when eatin' a 6-pack of Kenmore Koneys....... This is the Poo-Poo Game of the Week!