Evidence of a coverup in the Comey/Russian/Clinton Email/Lynch investigations?

Aside from the horrific artwork on his wall and the fact that the guy needs to put a shirt on under his leather jacket what is it about what he said that you think is worthy of a cackling emoji?

As GR said this guy has some excellent insight into what's going on while at the same time some of the stuff he throws out is a bit wack-a-doodle but I can make up my own mind what is what. Even better he is entertaining in how he presents his opinion.

The cackling emoji thing is just a (I have no argument, so there! you stinky pants) kinda thing.
The guy is clearly quite intelligent and funny. He does not seam to be driven by any political agenda whatsoever and gives his well researched opinions without all the (I'm always right, news you can trust BS.)

I believe neo is just triggered by the guys looks...maybe some weird repressed homosexual thing he would rather not confront:D

In the end we are all mainly here because we are entertained by politics and this guy is just plain entertaining...and to be honest a bit creepy looking.
Have you seen the facebook BS they pushed? The Russians will do their thing I am sad that people are not willing to educate themselves on the truth. We have an attack on facts. People believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Obama was a muslim imposing sharia law, 911 was an inside job, the deep state is pushing a coup.... The bots want chaos and many people are useful idiots including Devin Nunes.

LOL --- there was probably over $2 billion spent on the election and you think the ruskies spending a few thousand on facebook tipped the election; seriously? Were you duped?
They have no say. The constitution pretty clearly outlines the President's authority here and the Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter.


Further, it is illegal to abuse classified designations to hide evidence of official criminality. So not only can Trump declassify such evidence, you could argue he has a legal obligation to, if it contains the explosive evidence of criminality some have claimed.

Again, it would be legal for Trump or the congress to rush this memo to the public without consulting with the Justice department and FBI. But would it be wise? It's no different then if Trump fired Mueller. He would be within his legal rights to do it but the resulting fire storm would be very damaging.

The best approach is what the republicans are currently doing. It will result in the memo being released in the next couple of weeks and at the same time neuter any complaints that classified information and/or methods were inadvertently disclosed by the republicans or Trump carelessly rushing to get the memo to the public.
It would seem like most of this would be cleared up if Trump would declassify the FISA warrant that all the conspiracy theories are based on. Now I'll take a page out of the Republican playbook. Why won't he release the FISA warrant? I'm not saying it contains info that is very damaging to Trump (illegal activity) but if it did contain this info it would be devastating to Trump. This could potentially be one of the biggest frauds perpetrated by a presidential candidate ever. You might even say yuge.

Yea and the stupid witch hunt would be over if Trump would just fire Mueller which he is legally able to do. But we all know how firing Mueller would go don't we. Well it would be equally careless of Trump to declassify a FISA warrant even if it was fraudulently obtained.

As an aside I know Trump and the republicans are doing the right thing here because of all the squealing by the left and conservative never trumpers demanding an immediate release of the memo.
They have no say. The constitution pretty clearly outlines the President's authority here and the Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter.



What do you mean they have NO SAY? So far they've been saying a whole lot of stuff:


The fight over the release of a classified memo alleging FBI misconduct has set up a potentially bitter clash between President Trump and the Justice Department.

Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd — a Trump appointee — wrote in a letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) that releasing the memo publicly would be “extraordinarily reckless” and endanger national security.

Trump & the republicans releasing the memo in the face of these kinds of comments from the Justice Department should go over real well. So NEO what do you think the media will focus on - the content of the memo or how "reckless" the Trump administration is in allowing it's release?

Based on your comments NEO a suspicious person would think that you want the Trump folks to screw this up and do something rash that deflects from what the memo is saying?
Check out some of Tarl Warwick's(shirtless weirdo above) books if you want a good laugh.

No doubt the weird shirtless guy is quite funny.

Back to the darker side of this mess.
Things could get interesting this weak with Trumps state of the union.
Will he drop some truth bombs about the deep state DNC etc?
Thanks to the spectra bug , vault 7 wikileaks, annon etc. and the whitehats within, we might start to find out what has been going on with Saudi funds, MSM collusion and hiding the unbelievable corruption worse than any mafia movie.

As the FBI found out it is really hard to hide/ delete the data. Backdoors were built in and are coming back to bite.

The MSM will battle with fake news also watch for deaths and false flags as the exposure begins unravel the deep state.

I expect some flailing around.
No doubt the weird shirtless guy is quite funny.

Back to the darker side of this mess.
Things could get interesting this weak with Trumps state of the union.
Will he drop some truth bombs about the deep state DNC etc?
Thanks to the spectra bug , vault 7 wikileaks, annon etc. and the whitehats within, we might start to find out what has been going on with Saudi funds, MSM collusion and hiding the unbelievable corruption worse than any mafia movie.

As the FBI found out it is really hard to hide/ delete the data. Backdoors were built in and are coming back to bite.

The MSM will battle with fake news also watch for deaths and false flags as the exposure begins unravel the deep state.

I expect some flailing around.

I hope he finally tells the truth about Men in Black, also.