Evelyn Prodoehl 16:59!


That performance moves her from #14 to #5 all-time, 5th fastest performance, and #2 junior all-time. 6 girls have now gone sub-17 over the 5k

Given the rain in SW Ohio that moved through early on Saturday, I'm wondering if the footing could've been even better?

Congratulations to the young lady.


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In the boys race Prodoehl's time would have placed her 12th, 4th non-Mason runner, and West's #2. And that's assuming she wouldnt have run faster with competition.

Simply outstanding.
We (GCL Coed) raced later in the day at VOA and footing seemed pretty decent overall despite rain. I'm sure it was even a little better in the morning. Not sure about the wind in the morning---in the late afternoon was definitely picking up pretty good.