DIV State Semifinal: Canton South vs. Cleveland Glenville

Who wins?

  • Canton South by 1-8

    Votes: 25 17.9%
  • Canton South by 9-16

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Canton South by 17+

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Glenville by 1-8

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • Glenville by 9-16

    Votes: 39 27.9%
  • Glenville by 17+

    Votes: 62 44.3%

  • Total voters
And these threads digress even further when folks like Dex want to bring up something from 13 years ago that was resolved in a court of law.
Nobody with any semblance of a backbone or dignity is gonna allow themselves to be lectured by Stuebenville football fans ever again. You guys try to talk about whats right and wrong but support a school in a community that puts football above EVRYTHING else.
Nobody with any semblance of a backbone or dignity is gonna allow themselves to be lectured by Stuebenville football fans ever again. You guys try to talk about whats right and wrong but support a school in a community that puts football above EVRYTHING else.
I’m not gonna be lectured by people about an environment literally created by the adults
In that community.
Shut the f*** up, dimwit. Just say you hate Glenville and schools like them and be done with it. Stop with this "unfair advantage, and "gaming the system" claptrap. It's not true. You and your anti-Glenville circle-jerk buddies spew the same garbage on every thread about them. It's wash, rinse, and repeat. Get bent!

Go Tarblooders! Good luck Friday night!
Lol if you want to believe that go right ahead 😂😆
Actually I take back what I said. I am rooting for Glenville this week. No offense CS but if Steubenville wins this week, as funny as so guys are on the PACtion thread, we will get pure comedy gold from Glenville and Steubenville fans leading up to game time.

The game will be the sideshow to this comedy which would be a travesty, but in a way poetic.
You keep talking like Stuebenville is Hudson. Parents with young families arent moving there for the schools please join us in reality
Actually, the schools are one of the main reason families pick SCS over other local options. Tied with several other schools for #1 in the state. The afformentioned Hudson is tied for 13th. Glenville somehow isn’t even on this list which is interesting. So the question is, are all these D1 kids leaving schools with much better academics to get a great education at Glenville/GA? Or is it just for football….. hummm.

You keep talking like Stuebenville is Hudson. Parents with young families arent moving there for the schools please join us in reality
Steubenville has the 3rd best Elementary school in the state. They are about to open a brand new state of the art STEM building. New athletic facilities. They have more money than most and invest it in the kids.
Say what you want about Steubenville, but you cannot rip on their schools. Furthermore, a CMSD supporter casting aspersions on anyone's educational offerings is beyond moronic.
Actually I take back what I said. I am rooting for Glenville this week. No offense CS but if Steubenville wins this week, as funny as so guys are on the PACtion thread, we will get pure comedy gold from Glenville and Steubenville fans leading up to game time.

The game will be the sideshow to this comedy which would be a travesty, but in a way poetic.
Glenville football is outstanding. Happy for all those kids going major D1 and elsewhere.
Say what you want about Steubenville, but you cannot rip on their schools. Furthermore, a CMSD supporter casting aspersions on anyone's educational offerings is beyond moronic.
Except there is literally a CMSD school ranked in the top 1000 in the entire country.
Except there is literally a CMSD school ranked in the top 1000 in the entire country.
Is the name of that school Glenville or Ginn academy?

You never answered my question on why all these kids move from other school systems with much better academic standards to attend one of those schools. Could it be it is tied to the football program??? And save all your “everybody hates Ginn and Glenville because they are a city school having success” bs. Just call it like it is and admit the kids are transferring there for FOOTBALL..
Is the name of that school Glenville or Ginn academy?

You never answered my question on why all these kids move from other school systems with much better academic standards to attend one of those schools. Could it be it is tied to the football program??? And save all your “everybody hates Ginn and Glenville because they are a city school having success” bs. Just call it like it is and admit the kids are transferring there for FOOTBALL..
So are you saying they don't go there to play school?
I really do not understand why it has to be one or the other. You can appreciate what Ginn does and the better opportunity he/the school provides to the kids that attend. I also do not see why saying there is something wrong with a school open to a population of millions, should not be playing against towns of 15,000.

That is not to say Glenville is doing anything wrong. OHSAA is the ones who wrote the rules and enforce it. It is on them to correct not a loophole, but oversite going forward.

As for Glenvilles opposing players, I am sure they are looking at this as an opportunity to schock Ohio, continue their missionfor a title, showcase their talent for scholarship opportunities, etc. The players I'm sure are not lacking motivation. Lets face it , it is us adults who are on here causing the ruckus.

I hope OHSAA looks to tweak their rules moving forward. Can we all agree that a team that constantly reloads the departure of D1 college prospects with the pool next crop of D1 college prospects being in D4 in not organic? There are tons of D1 and D2 schools (I would even say the majority) who are not able to get that type of production, yet a D4 school is. I thought the whole point of CB was to move the schools who benefit from drawing huge population areas to play up in classifications against the bigger schools who can handle playing a Glenville, Hoban, Benedictine, etc better than a smaller school.

With all that said, there is nothing that can be done but sit back and hope for a good game that the players come out healthy. Support the team you want, and hope they prepared to bring it. Good luck to both teams.
I agree with you. The OHSAA made the rules, they assigned Glenville to D4, they are really good and they play Canton South Friday. I hope it's a good game and the kids all stay healthy. All teams in the final 4 are great. Everyone knows certain schools have and unfair advantage and the OHSAA needs to work on that. But it's
There is a turd in the punchbowl but we should pretend there isn't because NBC 1998 and Bball are annoyed that they can't enjoy their drinks!
I have no idea what you mean?? But The fact is nothing can be done, Glenville is D4 so all of the whining and complaining means nothing. I just would like to seep posts about the actual game instead of the OHSAA.
So are you saying they don't go there to play school?
I guess it depends on who you ask….. according to dex and NEO that’s why. They know they are wrong, just don’t have the sacks to say it.

Their comeback is going to be something along the lines of “just come out and say what you mean” followed by a slew of naughty words and name calling.
I guess it depends on who you ask….. according to dex and NEO that’s why. They know they are wrong, just don’t have the sacks to say it.

Their comeback is going to be something along the lines of “just come out and say what you mean” followed by a slew of naughty words and name calling.
Yeah you cant read which is why you need to stop touting Stuebenville education. Read this slowly... Kids from Cleveland and the surrounding areas go there because Glenville High school, since Ted Ginn has been the coach is elite at helping troubled youth first and helping them get FOOTBALL scholarships second. Football is absolutely a driving force though. Not a single thread have I denied that. Thats idiotic.

Now... your turn lol. Or are you going to really sit here and tell us that Stuebenville is maintaining a good football program because of the education?
All these Gville threads go to crap once we hear how Ginn is some savior to an environment created by the people in that environment.

Nothing more or less.

What was it…. 13-15 letterman at other schools last year transfer in?? Somehow they were already succeeding before people bring out the crutch and act like they were in a terrible environment.

Legal…. I guess so but it is laughable and always will be brought up.
Got it all figured out don’t you?
Yeah you cant read which is why you need to stop touting Stuebenville education. Read this slowly... Kids from Cleveland and the surrounding areas go there because Glenville High school, since Ted Ginn has been the coach is elite at helping troubled youth first and helping them get FOOTBALL scholarships second. Football is absolutely a driving force though. Not a single thread have I denied that. Thats idiotic.

Now... your turn lol. Or are you going to really sit here and tell us that Stuebenville is maintaining a good football program because of the education?
Yes because kids are flocking to the school
district because of their education.

Looking like 30-40 kids,
Many football players included, will be graduating with associates degrees along with that hs diploma.
Is the name of that school Glenville or Ginn academy?

You never answered my question on why all these kids move from other school systems with much better academic standards to attend one of those schools. Could it be it is tied to the football program??? And save all your “everybody hates Ginn and Glenville because they are a city school having success” bs. Just call it like it is and admit the kids are transferring there for FOOTBALL..
Stop being ignorant. You know the school is Glenville. You don't know why these kids have moved there so stop pretending you do. You also forget that Glenville (all Cleveland Public Schools) had no football during Covid. Many kids left the school to pursue playing sports elsewhere. Once Glenville resumed playing kids started moving back. Living in the city is not like living in the suburbs or rural areas. Families move for lots of reason. I'm sure if your local program is bad and your kid is talented, he or she wants to play for a winning program. That happens at damn near every top program in every sport. Glenville just happens to be in a situation where the neighborhood has affordable housing. Ginn Academy is a better option then many of the public schools in Cleveland and the surrounding areas. Ginn has discipline and uniforms and that is the structure many kids need. These kids do not have the options many other kids have. Most if not all are financially handicapped. Sports are the only means many of these kids have at getting out and making a better life for themselves.

How is there so much talent there ? One there is a lot of talent in Cleveland. Ginn just has a way of developing these kids into athletes who believe in their abilities for in most cases the first time in their life. These kids play hard for Ginn. Unless you see where these kids come from - you would not understand. Why move there you say. Ginn is the only male authority figure many of these kids have. The Mom's trust Ginn and rely on him to get their kids right and get them to college. This has zero to do with the Tarblooders playing D4. Ginn would do things exactly the same if they were in any other division. HE DOES NOT CARE. He is trying to save these kids. Winning is the bye product if his efforts. When you have a winning program that sends underprivileged kids to college for free what does that do ? It attracts others that want to do the same thing.
Yeah you cant read which is why you need to stop touting Stuebenville education. Read this slowly... Kids from Cleveland and the surrounding areas go there because Glenville High school, since Ted Ginn has been the coach is elite at helping troubled youth first and helping them get FOOTBALL scholarships second. Football is absolutely a driving force though. Not a single thread have I denied that. Thats idiotic.

Now... your turn lol. Or are you going to really sit here and tell us that Stuebenville is maintaining a good football program because of the education?
So you are saying that every kid that transfers to Glenville/GA is a “troubled youth” and has nothing to do with it being a pipeline to D1? That’s kind of stereotyping kids don’t you think?

So now my turn. Yes, SCS is an open enrollment school and we do have kids from outside city limits on the roster. However, most have been in the district since kindergarten. We actually lose a lot of kids between 7th and 10th grade because they don’t want to wait their turn. The cream rises to the top. That’s what makes a good program. Not getting D1 transfers every year.

I’ll say it again, I have absolutely ZERO hate towards Glenville/GA. As an OSU fan I like that they produce 1-2 OSU players a year. It’s the adults that can’t admit what’s going on and then use the “troubled youth” thing as a crutch.

As far as the game I have family at south and will be pulling for them but Glenville is the favorite. Good luck to the kids playing the game on both sides.
How is there so much talent there ? One there is a lot of talent in Cleveland. Ginn just has a way of developing these kids into athletes who believe in their abilities for in most cases the first time in their life. These kids play hard for Ginn. Unless you see where these kids come from - you would not understand. Why move there you say. Ginn is the only male authority figure many of these kids have. The Mom's trust Ginn and rely on him to get their kids right and get them to college. This has zero to do with the Tarblooders playing D4. Ginn would do things exactly the same if they were in any other division. HE DOES NOT CARE. He is trying to save these kids. Winning is the bye product if his efforts. When you have a winning program that sends underprivileged kids to college for free what does that do ? It attracts others that want to do the same thing.
One came from a nice home and moved into or at least uses an address of a home owned by a former Glenville, OSU, and NFL player. Dont generalize that all these kids are underprivileged from no father homes.
Your own posts say kids are from across Cleveland and surrounding areas but they have a 0 CB. I do think Ginn and CMSD admin do try to stay in a lower division as evidenced by the 0 CB. They were always successful but never won state before going D4. They want to stay D4 and have the best chance to win more titles.
People are under the impression the whole team is D1 bound players. That is not even close to the truth. In fact less then half the kids will go D1. Some might go D1 in a sport other then football. Some kids are talented and won't go to college. You people are funny to think the WHOLE team is full of D1 commitments. It's almost comical.
One came from a nice home and moved into or at least uses an address of a home owned by a former Glenville, OSU, and NFL player. Dont generalize that all these kids are underprivileged from no father homes.
Your own posts say kids are from across Cleveland and surrounding areas but they have a 0 CB. I do think Ginn and CMSD admin do try to stay in a lower division as evidenced by the 0 CB. They were always successful but never won state before going D4. They want to stay D4 and have the best chance to win more titles.
Says who ? You. If they were doing something wrong the OHSAA would do something based on how high profile the program is. Show proof that NFL players are buying homes - don't just repeat what other morons say. There are so many miss truths about Glenville that people believe everything to be true. With so many butt hurt people and schools surely someone would contact the OHSAA about all the travestys being committed by the evil empire that is Glenville. I just love how people pile on more garbage. This is why it's easy to cheer for them. I hope they destroy South just because it will anger the haters even more. Nothing against South at all but I hope they running clock them.
Stop being ignorant. You know the school is Glenville. You don't know why these kids have moved there so stop pretending you do. You also forget that Glenville (all Cleveland Public Schools) had no football during Covid. Many kids left the school to pursue playing sports elsewhere. Once Glenville resumed playing kids started moving back. Living in the city is not like living in the suburbs or rural areas. Families move for lots of reason. I'm sure if your local program is bad and your kid is talented, he or she wants to play for a winning program. That happens at damn near every top program in every sport. Glenville just happens to be in a situation where the neighborhood has affordable housing. Ginn Academy is a better option then many of the public schools in Cleveland and the surrounding areas. Ginn has discipline and uniforms and that is the structure many kids need. These kids do not have the options many other kids have. Most if not all are financially handicapped. Sports are the only means many of these kids have at getting out and making a better life for themselves.

How is there so much talent there ? One there is a lot of talent in Cleveland. Ginn just has a way of developing these kids into athletes who believe in their abilities for in most cases the first time in their life. These kids play hard for Ginn. Unless you see where these kids come from - you would not understand. Why move there you say. Ginn is the only male authority figure many of these kids have. The Mom's trust Ginn and rely on him to get their kids right and get them to college. This has zero to do with the Tarblooders playing D4. Ginn would do things exactly the same if they were in any other division. HE DOES NOT CARE. He is trying to save these kids. Winning is the bye product if his efforts. When you have a winning program that sends underprivileged kids to college for free what does that do ? It attracts others that want to do the same thing.
I knew I avoided this thread for a reason. It’s just funny how many “underprivileged” or “troubled youth” move to the district in 10th-12th grade for Ginn to “save” them because they wear uniforms to school. The FOOTBALL players move to GA for football. If you could just admit that it would be great.

FYI…. I don’t care what division they are in either. I know if big red and Glenville meet next week we are in trouble. I’ll say it again, it’s the adults not willing to admit what’s going on is the problem.
Entered the thread to see what people were thinking about this game as Canton South played St. Clairsville in a close game and Glenville is well Glenville. Boy was I in for a surprise. Since I'm here, I'll say this. I am from a small town near Steubenville and moved to Steubenville because academically it is the best public in our area, son in grade school and is afforded many opportunities I was not at his age. On the other side, my cousin lived on 105 and Somerset, so I spent a lot of time in the Glenville area as well. We would often talk of Glenville vs Steubenville and I would say it would never happen as the numbers would never allow them to be in the same division. I was wrong and I am glad. I personally would love to see the match up and as someone who played small college football, I realize the task at hand would be extremely difficult for the Red, anything worth having should be worked for. So, to the Glenville fans that now dislike Steubenville and vice versa, I wish good luck to both teams. The possible match-up if both are able to win Friday would allow two cousins to watch teams they both support talk a little trash back and forth, even if he is likely to win in the end. Bad things happen in both areas but there are also a lot of good people in both areas. Both schools do great things for the kids they love and support, let's all remember that as we disparage both schools and the adults supporting the kids.
Stop being ignorant. You know the school is Glenville. You don't know why these kids have moved there so stop pretending you do. You also forget that Glenville (all Cleveland Public Schools) had no football during Covid. Many kids left the school to pursue playing sports elsewhere. Once Glenville resumed playing kids started moving back. Living in the city is not like living in the suburbs or rural areas. Families move for lots of reason. I'm sure if your local program is bad and your kid is talented, he or she wants to play for a winning program. That happens at damn near every top program in every sport. Glenville just happens to be in a situation where the neighborhood has affordable housing. Ginn Academy is a better option then many of the public schools in Cleveland and the surrounding areas. Ginn has discipline and uniforms and that is the structure many kids need. These kids do not have the options many other kids have. Most if not all are financially handicapped. Sports are the only means many of these kids have at getting out and making a better life for themselves.

How is there so much talent there ? One there is a lot of talent in Cleveland. Ginn just has a way of developing these kids into athletes who believe in their abilities for in most cases the first time in their life. These kids play hard for Ginn. Unless you see where these kids come from - you would not understand. Why move there you say. Ginn is the only male authority figure many of these kids have. The Mom's trust Ginn and rely on him to get their kids right and get them to college. This has zero to do with the Tarblooders playing D4. Ginn would do things exactly the same if they were in any other division. HE DOES NOT CARE. He is trying to save these kids. Winning is the bye product if his efforts. When you have a winning program that sends underprivileged kids to college for free what does that do ? It attracts others that want to do the same thing.
That is great I am 100% supportive of it. But the beginning of your second paragraph is why the OHSAA needs to figure out how they are going to classify Glenville to a more equitable division. You even stated they are pulling talent from a major US city. These other D4 teams are not, they are pulling from a town or couple communities of around 15k.

Again you can support Ginn/Ginn Academy/Glenville , realize they are D4 this year, but also believe something needs done to get them to D2 at minimum. Again there are more D1 teams who don't produce the raw talent in a decade that Glenville has every year. There is no way that is organic for a D4 school.
You know they don't all live in the attendance zone. Have some integrity and stop saying things you know to be false.

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They do live in the Glenville zone. The OHSAA has confirmed it by giving Glenville a competitive balance of 0. I'll take their word over your mindless drivel any day.

The Bidenomics dummy made a dig at Cleveland and some of the problems they're having. So I made a dig at Steubenville. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Go away!