DIV State Semifinal: Canton South vs. Cleveland Glenville

Who wins?

  • Canton South by 1-8

    Votes: 25 17.9%
  • Canton South by 9-16

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Canton South by 17+

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Glenville by 1-8

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • Glenville by 9-16

    Votes: 39 27.9%
  • Glenville by 17+

    Votes: 62 44.3%

  • Total voters
there have been several games cancelled at Euclid this season due to safety concerns, I hope all of their issues were resolved prior to selecting them to host as a site for a playoff game.
No. Extraneous BS notwithstanding, Euclid is by all accounts a great venue. I guess it's reasonable to note that the location favors Glenville, but:
- What were the options?
- It will be a CS home game in any event, as their fan support will dwarf Glenville's.
Why not Tallmadge or Hoover? This shows all OHSAA cares about is $$$. Have them play where games were canceled this year due to safety concerns. Did the area get that much better the past couple weeks? Insane!
Y’all hate on kids that’s trying to make it out the hood they do not control what OSHA does coach Ginn really saves theses kids lives he can careless what division he plays in his goal is to get his kids free schooling so they can make it out the hood or in some case a better opportunity in life
Wouldn't you guess: more whining from the anti-Glenville Brigade. Euclid would not have been my choice either btw. But I didn't make the choice. Neither did Ginn or Glenville. So stop blaming them. The OHSAA made the choice. And Glenville fans have been on the other end of these things as well. In the '04 DI state semifinals, Glenville had to play McKinley in Massillon. Was that fair to Glenville fans? No. But it is what it is. Did McKinley have an in with the OHSAA to get the game close to home, even of it was the home of their hated rival? Of course not. But it was what it was.
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I look forward to yet anothe thread almost entirely about Glenville with little to zero talk of the actual game. Should be fantastic.

I don't see how Canton South stops Glenville aside from Glenville turnovers and/or penalties. CS is gonna need a lot of those.
Y’all hate on kids that’s trying to make it out the hood they do not control what OSHA does coach Ginn really saves theses kids lives he can careless what division he plays in his goal is to get his kids free schooling so they can make it out the hood or in some case a better opportunity in life
There’s that crutch again. Making it like kids are in a war zone that the adults directly living there aren’t responsible for or something.
There’s that crutch again. Making it like kids are in a war zone that the adults directly living there aren’t responsible for or something.
This easily my favorite anti Glenville argument. The adults are responsible for the enviroment so I want to see the kids suffer. Truly shows what all this bitching is about: folks feeling like the school they went to 30 years ago cant win a game played between teenagers.
What’s Canton South strength and weakness. My first bit of advice, don’t run a defensive scheme similar to what Perkins did to slow down Gvilles run game.
No. Extraneous BS notwithstanding, Euclid is by all accounts a great venue. I guess it's reasonable to note that the location favors Glenville, but:
- What were the options?
- It will be a CS home game in any event, as their fan support will dwarf Glenville's.
This stadium is a great place to watch a game. You are right on top of the action(No track). The locals are disinterested in a playoff game. The Euclid Police are great at their job. As long as the Students from either school behave , everything will be fine. FWIW I will be there and have 0 worries about my safety. Booster dogs anyone?
This easily my favorite anti Glenville argument. The adults are responsible for the enviroment so I want to see the kids suffer. Truly shows what all this bitching is about: folks feeling like the school they went to 30 years ago cant win a game played between teenagers.
Buddy I’m rooting for every kid to get to D1 or the NFL everywhere. We just need to retire the rhetoric that Ginn provides these opportunities when in fact it’s the adults there that have caused the issues and have for decades .
OHSAA clowns let Glenville play in DIV IV… so why wouldn’t they give the boys from Ginn Academy any other advantage they can…
Sad Feelings GIF
I look forward to yet anothe thread almost entirely about Glenville with little to zero talk of the actual game. Should be fantastic.

I don't see how Canton South stops Glenville aside from Glenville turnovers and/or penalties. CS is gonna need a lot of those.
Perkins benefitted from some PI penalties and made it count last Friday. Perkins also won some clutch 50/50 balls, if Canton south can do the same and slow down the Glenville run game they'll have a chance like Perkins did.

In the Avon and Perkins game (the only 2 Glenville games I've watched) I think that their passing game isn't as good as last year. Witten is tough to stop one on one, but I'd say making Thompson beat you with his arm is the best chance.

I honestly might have to stream this one as well. I think it can be a good ball game. However I think Glenville pulls away as the second half progresses and wins 41-20