DIV Glenville vs Archbishop Alter Updates (12/02/23)

Alter ball on their 32.

1- pass 5 yards
2- run (-2) yards
3- pass incomplete
4- punting...ball downed on the Glenville 31.

5:54 4Q
Glenville ball on their 31.

1- run (-6) yards...penalty holding declined
2- run 8 yards
3- run (-2) yards
4- going for it...timeout Glenville

3:28 4Q
Glenville ball on their 33. 4th and 8.

4- punting...ball goes out of bounds at the Alter 47.

3:07 4Q
Alter ball on their 47.

1- run 3 yards
2- sack (-9) yards
3- run 18 yards

First down

1:00 4Q
Congratulations Glenville. It is really upsetting to see an inner city public school this talented, and i love it cuz it aint Saint LaSalle, Saint Hoban, Saint TCC, Saint Iggy, Saint Ed, Saint X, Saint Moeller, Saint oh you get it now. 😁

Just funnin. Seriously though congrats.
Congratulations Glenville on a dominating performance. Back to back State Champions! Congratulations to Alter for not giving up despite being down.

What excuses will the Anti-Glenville Brigade make now?
They never won a title before they dropped to the 1st peewee division. That's where they want to be. Ginn would not opt up no matter what anyone says. Its about him as much as anything else. They now have 2 D4 titles. Good for them.
Take a nice hunk of cheese with your whine, buddy! Waaaaaa waaa waaaaaa!

All I know is that Glenville Tarblooders are back-to-back state champions!

Deal with that!
Is the Glenville community comprised of those in the Ginn Academy community? Who won the championship, Glenville HS or Ginn Academy?
It's Glenville High, Glenville student-athletes (whether they attend Glenville or Ginn Academy), the Glenville neighborhood, etc