Dayton Public Schools want to limit the amount of students that can attend games

It looks like they want to limit kids who get in for free. Is this a money-making move? Or is it for safety? If it's for safety, the kids in good standing should still be allowed in free and the kids who have caused problems should not get in at all.
It looks like they want to limit kids who get in for free. Is this a money-making move? Or is it for safety? If it's for safety, the kids in good standing should still be allowed in free and the kids who have caused problems should not get in at all.
It's for safety. I recalled a news story a couple weeks back that talked about students getting in for free. The problem is, kids coming and going throughout the game and creating a hostile environment.
I've seen schools that expect the kids to sit in the student section as it is a school event. If there are problems, they shouldn't be hanging out anywhere else in the facility.
It looks like they want to limit kids who get in for free. Is this a money-making move? Or is it for safety? If it's for safety, the kids in good standing should still be allowed in free and the kids who have caused problems should not get in at all.
Interesting, as a student at Centerville, we always had to pay to attend games. And contrary to popular belief, not ever family is well off in that community.
Why not admit kids and then have adults supervise them and hold them accountable if they make stupid decisions?? I know that seems like a crazy idea 🤷‍♂️
That's how it is in most places. The real problem is that whoever volunteers to be the crowd-control person, paid or unpaid, are not supported by district administration. The person may do a great job of kicking kids out, etc... but the same issues keep popping up because district administration won't support bans on people who don't deserve to be in the stands because of their own behavior. Who wants to take on that job and not be supported? Ultimately it is the AD's job and the administration needs to support the AD in their decisions.
Why not admit kids and then have adults supervise them and hold them accountable if they make stupid decisions?? I know that seems like a crazy idea 🤷‍♂️
A few years ago when Dayton schools made it to UD arena there were security guards to monitor their student sections. I take it they aren't doing that any longer.
Speaking from both ends.

Sending your kids to a 3-4 hr school events isn't a baby sitter. Even though some parents treat it as one.

And also IMO for "home court/field advantage" you want as many kids there as possible (as long as they are there in the stands cheering on their team)

I coached in CPS for 7+ years and I can count on 2 hands the # of kids we avg'ed that attended football games.
Yes 10 or less. Granted we didn't have a football field on site and had to use other schools facilities for home games. But still
Why not admit kids and then have adults supervise them and hold them accountable if they make stupid decisions?? I know that seems like a crazy idea 🤷‍♂️
This is sadly no longer an acceptable practice at most Public Schools! Hold students accountable and get accused of being racist,sexist and whole bunch of other bs not related to someone else’s actual bad behavior!!
Why not admit kids and then have adults supervise them and hold them accountable if they make stupid decisions?? I know that seems like a crazy idea 🤷‍♂️
Most schools have staff on hand at the games to watch the student section. Seems like that would be the case for DPS events as well. maybe it is not.

It also seems to me this would cause more kids to be hanging in the parking lots of the games.
Most schools have staff on hand at the games to watch the student section. Seems like that would be the case for DPS events as well. maybe it is not.

It also seems to me this would cause more kids to be hanging in the parking lots of the games.
Basketball is easier than football, but the stands aren't the major problem. Restrooms, parking lots, common areas for basketball games, are the issues. If the school had students attend games for the games this wouldn't be an issue. Go to small town USA where the High School is a part of the community fabric, and they don't deal with this.
Basketball is easier than football, but the stands aren't the major problem. Restrooms, parking lots, common areas for basketball games, are the issues. If the school had students attend games for the games this wouldn't be an issue. Go to small town USA where the High School is a part of the community fabric, and they don't deal with this.
Sad if this is needed to be done. Another idea how about students only attend games....?
I've seen schools that expect the kids to sit in the student section as it is a school event. If there are problems, they shouldn't be hanging out anywhere else in the facility.
Please tell that to the people in my community who think it's no big deal for kids to screw around unsupervised. Several years ago, we had an older elementary/middle school student who ran into an elderly gentleman at a home football game. That man fell down, hit his head in the process, developed a brain bleed, and later passed away. Just this fall, there was a situation at a home soccer game where some kids had somehow gotten beneath the home stands and were banging around against the underside of the bleachers and otherwise making all kinds of racket.

But yet...we are a bunch of a-holes for expecting kids to actively and directly support their peers and act like civilized human beings.🙄
It does seem like there are more people who support kids "exploring" their limits at these sporting events. There is definitely a difference between how schools treat the kids. Expecting kids to act at the games as they are expected to act in school shouldn't be that big of a stretch.
It does seem like there are more people who support kids "exploring" their limits at these sporting events. There is definitely a difference between how schools treat the kids. Expecting kids to act at the games as they are expected to act in school shouldn't be that big of a stretch.
They are acting like they do in school that is the major problem these days no discipline what so ever in school, out of school or at a game.