CHL Football 23


Shout out to AD Miller and HC Rob Rachael over at Gamble!

If anyone hadn't heard on the local news there was a very bad traffic accident in front of Taylor this week. Aubri who is a GREAT kid (she is very close with my son and her mom is also an employee of the district) was Air Cared and is in very bad shape right now.

Coach Rob and Gamble had heard about this and their Cheerleaders and football players all made and signed a banner for Aubri , Also both teams got together prior to the game and said a Prayer together for her , her family and the other 3 small children that were involved in the accident.

We sometimes get wrapped up in the moment with the sport and sometimes forget that most who coach are doing it for reasons that go way above wins or losses or stats. Its about creating good human beings and having a positive impact on a young persons life!

Kudo's to Gamble and their kids and admins