America the most non racist country in the world

Where did I post that. Black pop. in England is 3 %, France 3.5 % . I doubt if either country has half of that % representing them in their government. The white pop. in South Africa is 8%, fat chance SA has a white leader any time soon. If America is so racist why have so many people from so many different backgrounds continued to emigrate here.

I largely agree with the sentiment that America is much more racially progressive than most if not all of the world, but South Africa doesn't belong any where near this minority population representation argument considering that up until about 25 years ago that small minority population brutally ruled the majority population of blacks.
Where did I post that. Black pop. in England is 3 %, France 3.5 % . I doubt if either country has half of that % representing them in their government. The white pop. in South Africa is 8%, fat chance SA has a white leader any time soon. If America is so racist why have so many people from so many different backgrounds continued to emigrate here.

Economics. It's better to be "oppressed" here than equal there? No joke.

I see the argument you're making but I don't believe it floats entirely. Is someone wrong if they are trying to improve one component of life at the risk of another with more promise? Presume we are racist. If we become less racist does that mean we should stop? We got rid of most of polio, so let's stop? No, I feel we keep going.

I will always believe it important to try and put myself in someone elses shoes, whether they choose to try and put themselves in mine or not. I imagine you do too. Bow to extortion? No. But find those worth empathizing with? Yes. Taylor, Floyd, Arbery are cases easy for me to empathize with. I can envision that happening to me or someone close so it's also easy to make personal.

It needs to stop. It's not going to stop on its own. Police need more ability to weed and self-correct themselves and ultimately the public determines their policies. Our ancestors faught a bloody war that got rid of slave policies. It is an abhorrent practice that still exists, out of sight out of mind. I'm all for removing those symbols from public exposure that cannot reasonably be avoided. I'm all in on death penalty for anyone who enslaves another. It still goes on, unfortunately it is not part of the focus of these protests.
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Things would be much easier if we could admit it’s a lot more difficult to unify a racially diverse country as opposed to a homogenous one. It’s easy for Europeans to judge the US when they have a racial makeup equivalent to North Dakota.
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In my worldly travels, I would say that the least racist counries were the Scandinavian countries, and the most racist country by far was Japan.
I work with a lady who is from Japan, she told me Japan is very racist and very sexist.
I worked with one married couple, white husband who married a Japanese local when he was in the military. Everybody loved her, she had a beautiful smile, but was always polite and respectful in conversation. One time she asked discreetly f I was married. When I said yes, she clucked her tongue and said "Too bad, too bad - I know some single ladies back home ..... ", and she left it at that.

After blushing, then doing a mental fist pump and telling myself I still had it, I thanked her for the compliment but said I thought I would be too much of a gaijin for them to want to go out with me.

She thought for a minute, then said, "Yes - but you would be very nice gaijin!"