2022 Southwestern Buckeye League

Any word on the Monroe players that were declared ineligible before the Eaton game? Hope they get a chance to return.
They actually appealed and were allowed to play in the game Friday vs Eaton. Looks like Jackson will be out for the remainder of the season though after being taken by the squad Friday night. The Hornets have struggled to put the ball in the endzone the last 2 weeks, his absence won't help.
They actually appealed and were allowed to play in the game Friday vs Eaton. Looks like Jackson will be out for the remainder of the season though after being taken by the squad Friday night. The Hornets have struggled to put the ball in the endzone the last 2 weeks, his absence won't help.
Well I'm happy for those kids. That's horrible to hear about the fb, great player.
They actually appealed and were allowed to play in the game Friday vs Eaton. Looks like Jackson will be out for the remainder of the season though after being taken by the squad Friday night. The Hornets have struggled to put the ball in the endzone the last 2 weeks, his absence won't help.
What was the nature of his injury? It looked pretty serious.
#5 Bellbrook (8-2) vs. #12 Celina (6-4) 28-7
#10 Monroe (6-4) @ #7 Hughes (6-3). 21-14
#14 Eaton (6-4) @ #3 Fenwick (7-3) 21-10
#1 Valley View (9-1)
vs. #16 Carlisle (4-6)
#6 Brookville (9-1) vs. #11 Purcell Marion (6-4). 42-20
#14 Waynesville (3-7) @ #3 Northeastern (10-0). 35-14
#5 Bellbrook (8-2) vs. #12 Celina (6-4) 28-7
#10 Monroe (6-4) @ #7 Hughes (6-3). 34-14
#14 Eaton (6-4) @ #3 Fenwick (7-3) 28-7
#1 Valley View (9-1)
vs. #16 Carlisle (4-6) 49-8
#6 Brookville (9-1) vs. #11 Purcell Marion (6-4). 41-14
#14 Waynesville (3-7) @ #3 Northeastern (10-0). 35-21
Valley View is the best team I've watched this year. You are spot on about the first game. VV run defense will stuff the dive this week and will be main focus Im sure. My personal opinion is the Indians offense is all about the dive to set other stuff up to be successful, VV strength is run defense. They are very physical and control the line of scrimmage. Indians better dial something up to keep them close, as VV will be 10/11 in box for sure. VV is and should be favored by a boatload. My hope is Indians can compete and keep it close till 4th, then anything can play out. VV is well coached and their Senior class is pretty solid as well. Ill be interested to see if Carlisle has grown since the first matchup against VV.
I think this is a very good VV team much like those who have made district runs in the recent past and not to limit what they can do however talent or tenacity I don’t see them being comparable to the state caliber teams. I would like for them to prove me wrong but the state teams would never given a inch to teams like this year’s Carlisle they was shooting every gap and swarming the ball carriers you’d be lucky to get a 1st down. Never playing down to their opponents. I do see a rematch with MU and maybe I see them in a different light in the games leading up to them.
bro what? what about milton who literally beat them?
1st, VV came out hot against BB, which I thought would happen and BB did have to play catch up, which is not good for them and ultimately lost. 2nd, MU beats VV in week 2 and though they "literally" beat them, they were statically even...it was still a week 2 game win for MU and a good win (not taking anything away from them). The competition over the next eight weeks would favor VV and thus my prediction, guess, feeling, whatever you want to call it, VV takes R20.

For the region, I see VV threat to be Maderia and MU threat to be Brookville/Northeastern winner.

Personally, I would like MU to win this region, always liked the dogs, but I'm a stats guy and that is why I say VV runs the table in the region. Sorry, just my penny statement, since 2 cents ain't worth a nickels worth of advice anymore. Hope these teams can take of business and get together for a play date.
1st, VV came out hot against BB, which I thought would happen and BB did have to play catch up, which is not good for them and ultimately lost. 2nd, MU beats VV in week 2 and though they "literally" beat them, they were statically even...it was still a week 2 game win for MU and a good win (not taking anything away from them). The competition over the next eight weeks would favor VV and thus my prediction, guess, feeling, whatever you want to call it, VV takes R20.

For the region, I see VV threat to be Maderia and MU threat to be Brookville/Northeastern winner.

Personally, I would like MU to win this region, always liked the dogs, but I'm a stats guy and that is why I say VV runs the table in the region. Sorry, just my penny statement, since 2 cents ain't worth a nickels worth of advice anymore. Hope these teams can take of business and get together for a play date.
no that’s fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion i was just curious as to why you thought that. and maybe you are right mu very well could lose but speaking of stats tho mu killed vv on turnovers
I think this is a very good VV team much like those who have made district runs in the recent past and not to limit what they can do however talent or tenacity I don’t see them being comparable to the state caliber teams. I would like for them to prove me wrong but the state teams would never given a inch to teams like this year’s Carlisle they was shooting every gap and swarming the ball carriers you’d be lucky to get a 1st down. Never playing down to their opponents. I do see a rematch with MU and maybe I see them in a different light in the games leading up to them.
One that is interesting for this particular VV team, is that their path is set up pretty nicely for playoff success. It's not necessarily the most difficult regional path when you only have to beat one of MU, Brookville, or NE to get out of the region. All three of those teams are on the other side of the bracket.
no that’s fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion i was just curious as to why you thought that. and maybe you are right mu very well could lose but speaking of stats tho mu killed vv on turnovers
Yes, you are correct the turnovers would have played a HUGE difference in the game. This may not make sense but I always look at turnovers as, caused versus committed. Interceptions are the wildcard; was it a bad read, thrown poorly or just a s***ty play which would be mostly committed; a good defensive play on the ball would be a caused INT (possibly making the QB make a bad read). It seems the committed turnovers happen more towards the beginning of the year and those are most correctable.
However, fumbles are almost always caused and no matter the time of year, they will happen with or without defensive impact (poor exchange, ball security or tackle). Regardless of how the turnover happens, they do change the complexion of the game and when there are equally matched teams losing the turnover battle will make you lose the game.
One that is interesting for this particular VV team, is that their path is set up pretty nicely for playoff success. It's not necessarily the most difficult regional path when you only have to beat one of MU, Brookville, or NE to get out of the region. All three of those teams are on the other side of the bracket.
VV over Carlisle in the first round, Blanchester in the second round, a dogfight with Maderia in the semis

MU over Greenon in the first round, Greenview in the second round and Brookville in the semis, since they are out of "green" schools to beat (which BTW, neither have green in their schools colors)

I'll take VV in the regional finals and they can call it a really good year.
MU was a factor in most of VVs turnovers that night but there was a specific point in the game, when it was 10-7 MU, VV partially blocked MUs punt and was set up with fantastic field position to potentially tie or take the lead, first snap sails over VVs QBs head and MU recovers, MU then turns that turnover into a TD and it’s 17-7. An unforced error on VV was a potential 14 point swing. If VV can avoid those unforced turnovers this game will potentially be much closer than 24-14.
#5 Bellbrook (8-2) vs. #12 Celina (6-4) I'll take the Eagles by a couple of scores
#10 Monroe (6-4) @ #7 Hughes (6-3). Monroe has struggled offensively the last couple of weeks, but so has Hughes getting smoked and shutout by Taft and Withrow. I've heard their starting QB is out, so I think the Hornets win a close one.
#14 Eaton (6-4) @ #3 Fenwick (7-3) The Falcons are tough on D and I think Eaton will struggle to score. Fenwick by 10-14.
#1 Valley View (9-1) vs. #16 Carlisle (4-6) The Spartans win easily
#6 Brookville (9-1) vs. #11 Purcell Marion (6-4). Purcell will have some athletes and will probably make some plays but it won't be enough. The Blue Devils by 21.
#14 Waynesville (3-7) @ #3 Northeastern (10-0) Waynesville was fortunate to make the cut, they won't be too fortunate on Friday. Northeastern by a bunch.
Dave Maddox is Shawnee’s HC graduated from Shawnee in 02 or 03, you must be talking about the OC and I got one hot off the press for you no one would care if he packed up and left tomorrow.
So Big Arrow if thats the case then why does your Vince Lombardi HC continue to keep him as OC? Lets just be honest preble shawnee has never done anything in football since the beginning of time.
Well the SWOC is terrible this year, so there's that. There will be no dominating the SWBL, but they will be the biggest school in the conference so that will give them a bit of an edge.
Are you kidding me? Do you know how many titles they have won? They should not be in that league. Its ridiculous they won the SWOC out right this year.
So Big Arrow if thats the case then why does your Vince Lombardi HC continue to keep him as OC? Lets just be honest preble shawnee has never done anything in football since the beginning of time.
You want to talk Basketball? highly unlikely. Dave Has done a great job the past 5 years. I have no inside info, but I assume changes will be made after this season. 13-1 last season, we've had a few 8-2 seasons, but you're right, not much has happened. Outside of VV what teams around us in 30 miles have done anything?
So Big Arrow if thats the case then why does your Vince Lombardi HC continue to keep him as OC? Lets just be honest preble shawnee has never done anything in football since the beginning of time.
Who’s calling him Lombardi I simply told you who the HC was 😂. You tried to act like you had inside information about Koogle going to Carlisle like he was Lombardi with the hot off the bowl 💩 comment. I’m sure Maddox does like him but he’s probably one of the few that do.
I heard he had a fractured vertebrae but it was second hand information. It would make sense the way they handled him on the field. They were definitely taking every precaution.
Man, I hate that for this young man! He has been fun to watch and I wish him the best of luck in his recovery. He is, arguably, one of the top running backs in Monroe Hornets history.
I’ve heard it’s just a stinger, but my source is 2nd hand too. I think he has had a few of these in his career if I remember correctly. Anyways I hope the kid gets healthy and succeeds in whatever he applies himself to. Not sure if I am correct or not but I think he is all time leading rusher.
Man, I hate that for this young man! He has been fun to watch and I wish him the best of luck in his recovery. He is, arguably, one of the top running backs in Monroe Hornets history.
Definitely in the Ferguson, Herron, King category. Too young to remember any before that generation of 2005-2009 teams. I still haven’t seen a Hornet be able to change the complexity of a game quite like Josh Herron could.
Who’s calling him Lombardi I simply told you who the HC was 😂. You tried to act like you had inside information about Koogle going to Carlisle like he was Lombardi with the hot off the bowl 💩 comment. I’m sure Maddox does like him but he’s probably one of the few that do.
In my opinion the offense is fine, and if he leaves then that will be difficult to replace. Looks like they scored a decent amount in the SWBL and have in the WOAC as well. The few games I’ve been to they’ve looked good.
Valley View is the best team I've watched this year. You are spot on about the first game. VV run defense will stuff the dive this week and will be main focus Im sure. My personal opinion is the Indians offense is all about the dive to set other stuff up to be successful, VV strength is run defense. They are very physical and control the line of scrimmage. Indians better dial something up to keep them close, as VV will be 10/11 in box for sure. VV is and should be favored by a boatload. My hope is Indians can compete and keep it close till 4th, then anything can play out. VV is well coached and their Senior class is pretty solid as well. Ill be interested to see if Carlisle has grown since the first matchup against VV.
Didn't you see Milton beat V V by 2 TD's ?
Didn't you see Milton beat V V by 2 TD's ?
I have not watched Milton play. I know they are a very good team. I’m not knocking MU at all. VV is the most complete team I’ve seen this year. Thats a big win for MU to take down VV at VV. I think game two will be a war. Just hope to see it. I believe MU has a some competition in front of them to get there.