“Being trans has not affected my ability to do this sport and being able to continue is very rewarding.”

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I think we are looking at this all wrong. If you as a man decide that you want to become as much of a woman as you can then grow the boobs and have your parts cut off. I just do not know where because you do those things it gives you the right to participate in women's sports. I feel if a person thinks it is so important to try and change their sex they should realize and accept that means giving up the playing of sports. No matter what every person that plays sports comes to a time when the playing comes to an end. I feel that a person that thinks a sex change is the only answer should also say the playing of sports comes to an end at that time.
Well, sure. This^ is SO obviously the right answer for the scenario. We ALL have to make choices and prioritize in life.
Just the attention-seeking losers of Gen Z, really, imho. Kids that were intellectually/emotionally abandoned by clueless parents and surrendered over to "the village" that the Hildabeast envisioned, etc. - they are screwed, sure. The freak element does seem to get freakier, and I am mostly basing my hopes upon NEO kids.

My kids' friends are pretty refreshing, all things considered, if the best reflection of their own values is how they view their own peers. In view of the many rando millenials I spent time with before I retired, these kids I've seen and heard most around my home, in the dorms, etc. seem to be awake and aware of trash pop psychology, fake news political BS, and crazed social pressures from the fools on the fringes of America. Keep the faith, and encourage all the normalcy you can find.
There's a good sociological study out there that shows the most pronounced problem is something like a 1600% increase in early teenage girls transitioning because they're "transgender." But in reality they're any normal teenager that gets depressed periodically, saw something on TV they're too young to understand, and a combination of media/certain parents/certain docs are waiting with testosterone. And anyone who has ever had to take a steroid knows testosterone makes you feel GREAT. Thus the fantasy is validated by getting doped up. Alphabet mafia canned the paper, may have even forced it to be retracted.
There's a good sociological study out there that shows the most pronounced problem is something like a 1600% increase in early teenage girls transitioning because they're "transgender." But in reality they're any normal teenager that gets depressed periodically, saw something on TV they're too young to understand, and a combination of media/certain parents/certain docs are waiting with testosterone. And anyone who has ever had to take a steroid knows testosterone makes you feel GREAT. Thus the fantasy is validated by getting doped up. Alphabet mafia canned the paper, may have even forced it to be retracted.
I’m sure the study wasn’t based on science, at least not the “correct” science.
I was only good enough in basketball to play one year of JV basketball. If I would have found a loophole to allow to me identify as an 8 year old when I was 17 and played in a league of 8 year olds, I could have bragged about how being trans aged has not hindered me from dominating this league.
Anyone who celebrates this sort of thing (or attempts to minimize it by saying "it hardly ever happens" is pathetic.
One can both (correctly) make the point that it hardly ever happens and still disagree with it. Oversimplified, this is my position.
One can both (correctly) make the point that it hardly ever happens and still disagree with it. Oversimplified, this is my position.

How in the hell, with a straight face, can you say it hardly ever happens?

It's a new social ill, it's gaining momentum, and insinuating that it's complicated implies we should ponder something that's really cut and dried.
How in the hell, with a straight face, can you say it hardly ever happens?

It's a new social ill, it's gaining momentum, and insinuating that it's complicated implies we should ponder something that's really cut and dried.
Because it's true. Just because you heard of this incident and perhaps a few others doesn't mean it's ("it" being trans athletes competing in sports against the sex opposite the athlete's born sex) pervasive. Of course you heard of these incidents. They're newsworthy and people are interested in talking about the topic. But if you look at the grand scheme of all sport in America, the occurrence is overwhelmingly rare.
Because it's true. Just because you heard of this incident and perhaps a few others doesn't mean it's ("it" being trans athletes competing in sports against the sex opposite the athlete's born sex) pervasive. Of course you heard of these incidents. They're newsworthy and people are interested in talking about the topic. But if you look at the grand scheme of all sport in America, the occurrence is overwhelmingly rare.
Until it isn’t.
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Overwhelmingly rare until you are in the competition that has the boy-girl in it and he is beating the out of all the other girl-girls.
I mean, if you're looking at a single competition in a vacuum...

But your competition is the one in 50,000 or whatever, yes it's still rare.
I've never seen so many people on Yappi so interested in women's collegiate swimming before this - maybe this is good for the sport? ;)
Since it is rare and will only affect a few why not "nip it in the bud" and we will not have to worry about it becoming anything but rare and that will only be mentioned in history.
Since it is rare and will only affect a few why not "nip it in the bud" and we will not have to worry about it becoming anything but rare and that will only be mentioned in history.
Whose decision do you think that should be? NCAA? Or should it be law?
Are any of the females he is going up against and defeating doing anything about this? Are the parents of these female swimmers saying anything? If not are they staying quiet for fear or being labeled? I have. Son and 2 daughters, while I would love my children to stay as they were born I’d support them if they decided to convert. However I’d have a serious issue if my son wanted to switch so he could compete as female and kick butt. Likewise if my daughters had to compete against a trans male for a starting spot or in competition, you better believe I’d be up in arms (figure of speech) with zero fear of being labeled.
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