Three-point takedown, five-point near fall now a thing in high school

How in the world is out of bounds going to work in most of these tournaments? Even our state tournament there isnt a tremendous amount of space between mats!
How in the world is out of bounds going to work in most of these tournaments? Even our state tournament there isnt a tremendous amount of space between mats!
Overall, I don't "think" it will be an issue (but I am wrong a lot) but there are certainly going to be times when a situation is ruled OOB's and coaches/fans won't like it. I can almost bet that what we will be told in our rules meeting is that safety trumps all.
I have a thought on this, why not have the boundary line actually mean something? Is there any other sport where scoring can take place outside of the playing surface? Just an opinion.
Overall, I don't "think" it will be an issue (but I am wrong a lot) but there are certainly going to be times when a situation is ruled OOB's and coaches/fans won't like it. I can almost bet that what we will be told in our rules meeting is that safety trumps all.
I have a thought on this, why not have the boundary line actually mean something? Is there any other sport where scoring can take place outside of the playing surface? Just an opinion.
I am thinking about the IRONMAN tournament right now and those guys are going to be in the middle of the next mat and still be in bounds.
Overall, I don't "think" it will be an issue (but I am wrong a lot) but there are certainly going to be times when a situation is ruled OOB's and coaches/fans won't like it. I can almost bet that what we will be told in our rules meeting is that safety trumps all.
I have a thought on this, why not have the boundary line actually mean something? Is there any other sport where scoring can take place outside of the playing surface? Just an opinion.
Hence a "push out" point could prove to be useful...however, at the high school level and with the gap/range of experience being so wide between the top and bottom levels of competitors, it could probably prove to be counter productive to wrestler retention. I would love to see it at the college level though!
Hence a "push out" point could prove to be useful...however, at the high school level and with the gap/range of experience being so wide between the top and bottom levels of competitors, it could probably prove to be counter productive to wrestler retention. I would love to see it at the college level though!
I am a fan of the idea but my opinion means less than nothing.
I have a thought on this, why not have the boundary line actually mean something? Is there any other sport where scoring can take place outside of the playing surface? Just an opinion.
Only thing i can think of is baseball/softball. You can catch a baseball/softball outside of the lines and it still is an out. But there is nothing punitive if you don't catch it.
Only thing i can think of is baseball/softball. You can catch a baseball/softball outside of the lines and it still is an out. But there is nothing punitive if you don't catch it.
That is the only one I thought of as well BUT no scoring is done outside the lines. IOW, you can be called out but no advancing is possible,
I like the new out of bounds rule. It is much easier to call. The mat space has always been an issue, even under all the previous alternative out of bounds guidelines. This rule makes it cut and dry, and the coaches will immediately understand calls that are whistled due to safety.
Why? I don’t see how one relates to the other. After pins, putting guys on their back is the next most ultimate thing in folkstyle and should be rewarded as such.
Okay. I just feel a 7 pt move is a tall order to overcome. 3 td and 3 back is enough. Just my thought.

BTW I am a fan of the 3pt TD.
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Okay. I just feel a 7 pt move is a tall order to overcome. 3 td and 3 back is enough. Just my thought.

BTW I am a fan of the 3pt TD.
7 points sounds like a lot. But not with the 3 pt takedown. Actually now the 7 pt move is easier to come back from now than a 5 pt move was before. You can get it back much easier with the 3 and 4 point turns obviously now. Or even if you ate just a takedown artist.
Old way:
Opponent hits 5 point move (5-0)
Escape (5-1)
Takedown 1 (5-3)
Opponent escape (6-3)
Takedown 2 (6-5)
Opponent escape (7-5)
Takedown 3 (7-7)
New way:
Opponent hits 7 point move (7-0)
Escape (7-1)
Takedown 1 (7-4)
Opponent escape (8-4)
Takedown 2 (8-7)
Opponent escape (9-7)
Takedown 3 (9-10)
Okay. I just feel a 7 pt move is a tall order to overcome. 3 td and 3 back is enough. Just my thought.

BTW I am a fan of the 3pt TD.
Fall is the ultimate then near fall is next and should be scored such! The problem is reversals are equal to take downs but is unbalanced due to your feet wrestling friends who want to change it all to neutral!

BTW I am a fan of a 5pt NF.
The problem is reversals are equal to take downs but is unbalanced due to your feet wrestling friends who want to change it all to neutral!
That is not entirely accurate. A reversal can be earned without going to the mat (standing reversal) whereas a TD needs control established on the mat. I have no idea if that was a factor in the rules makers thinking or not.
Bottom line is that they are just points and are available to everyone.
Bottom line is that they are just points and are available to everyone.
What? Just points? Then why did we change them? There is a push for freestyle/All neutral wrestling among Folk Style and reversals and takedowns should be equal. In both scenarios you are gaining control whether from neutral or being controlled. To say 3 point takedowns creates action over 2 points is ludicrous. The truth is you can takedown your opponent and kick them out repeatedly with less risk. Therefore, creating less risk to beat your opponent if they so happen to take you down in the series of takedowns and kick outs ratio!
What? Just points? Then why did we change them? There is a push for freestyle/All neutral wrestling among Folk Style and reversals and takedowns should be equal. In both scenarios you are gaining control whether from neutral or being controlled. To say 3 point takedowns creates action over 2 points is ludicrous. The truth is you can takedown your opponent and kick them out repeatedly with less risk. Therefore, creating less risk to beat your opponent if they so happen to take you down in the series of takedowns and kick outs ratio!
Somehow I just knew you would respond with the "Debbie Downer" outlook. I realize that no matter how things are presented to you, you will find a negative way to view it.
When I wrote that they are "just points", the meaning is that every wrestler has a chance to score those points just like their opponent. In the end, in every match wrestled, we will have a winner and a loser.
Should a reversal and a TD be worth the same point value? Possibly but you need to accept the fact that they are not and that our opinions (yours and mine and everyone on here) don't matter even 1%.
Why change the points value? Possibly because an escape isn't worth half the value of a TD. Guys routinely will give away an escape but they NEVER willingly give up a TD. True?
Where did I say that 3 point TD's will create more action than 2 point TD's?? Please point me to where I wrote that.
In the end, you can complain all you want but this is what we have been given. Is it different? Certainly but I would ask why not see if it works when it is implemented next year instead of complaining about something that you can't change anyway?
BTW, every single sport changes rules periodically. I have no idea how old you are but the rules for FB are greatly different than they were 50 years ago. However, the object is still to score more than the other team.
With that, I am done. Have a great weekend.
Granted Jim, you personally may have not said that, I am definitely taking on all the arguments while maybe addressing one point with you. I have a son in college currently while I also have a son in high school. So personally I have been a year under the rule change. If you made reversals worth 3 and could protect mat wrestling with no future changes. Like no automatic neutral starts after going out of bounds, stale mates or stalling calls or injury breaks. I could just be fine but mean while this is my grass roots campaign to get those that appreciate mat wrestling to see there is a real effort to eliminate Mitch Clark’s super power! Speaking of Mitch Clark let us choose Top before it’s gone by collectively speaking that Folk Wrestling is also mat wrestling.