American History

History lesson.

Confederate statues were put up after the Civil War to help with the reconstruction and healing of the nation.
If the Union did nothing but continue to burn every piece of civilization in the south post war, another civil war would have been assured.
Now this doesn’t mean these Confederate statues/memorials have to stand forever.
Is does mean that there should be a discussion and eventual vote from the people in these areas as to keeping them or not.

the mob doesn’t have a right to pull down any statue/memorial.

But logic doesn’t rule the day in the age of the absurd.
People believe a man can have a period, get pregnant and have a baby.
Obviously there was a reason to build the statue, name the building/ road etc. I look at Marge Schott's name being taken off the baseball field at UC. Obviously they graciously took the $2 mill back when they needed it, and she was already dead at the time so there hasn't been any new history on Schott. She gave to many charities in the Cincinnati area and employed people of all races. We never agree 100% with everything a person does.
I agree. UC and the Catholic schools knew exactly who Marge was (a mixed bag) and gladly took the money. I also agree that this monument movement is going too far when it starts including Washington or Wilson or Roosevelt...but a Confederate Statue of a Confederate General and founder of the KKK erected in 1970 in Tennessee's capital square two years after MLK assassination in Memphis....that was a statement. Tear it down.

BTW- Marge was ignorant and was an isolated alchoholic, but she also did some good things often with little fanfare or credit especially for kids and animals. Lots of great stories about her odd turning off all computers in the office when some one left their desk to save electricity.
I"m not the drama queen, I just see that history will be alot different in schools from now on, if anyone cares. It's not that we need to re-write history, it's already happened. Just the facts, ma'am. But people have a hard time with the facts anymore.
What facts are you worried about?
I would urge every parent to make arrangements to sit in some of your children's classes. You will get every excuse in the book about safety and protocol. Just keep reminding each teacher and the school board that levies are important and supporting one could become a problem if you are not permitted as an owner of the system. Assuming the curriculum does not change because of your visit, you will be astonished. Most parents will not recognize the curriculum, the methods, the behavior, and the disrespect particularity if you live in what I call a progressive school system. Without respect and discipline, not much gets done.
I would urge every parent to make arrangements to sit in some of your children's classes. You will get every excuse in the book about safety and protocol. Just keep reminding each teacher and the school board that levies are important and supporting one could become a problem if you are not permitted as an owner of the system. Assuming the curriculum does not change because of your visit, you will be astonished. Most parents will not recognize the curriculum, the methods, the behavior, and the disrespect particularity if you live in what I call a progressive school system. Without respect and discipline, not much gets done.
Cleatmark, I think you can draw alot of today's sociatial ills back to taking discipline out of the schools, specifically paddling. The day that happened, the kids began running the schools. If a kid felt "uncomfortable" at school, they didn't have to cope anymore, mommy and daddy was going to come into the principal's and superintendent's office and make the mean people stop.
We now have a younger generation who does not respect authority. They didn't have to listen or respect their teachers beginning in elementary, and that rolls right into coaches and then the police. We allow people to "protest" on interstates and block public streets and are ok with it instead of busting heads. We've done this to ourselves.
I would urge every parent to make arrangements to sit in some of your children's classes. You will get every excuse in the book about safety and protocol. Just keep reminding each teacher and the school board that levies are important and supporting one could become a problem if you are not permitted as an owner of the system. Assuming the curriculum does not change because of your visit, you will be astonished. Most parents will not recognize the curriculum, the methods, the behavior, and the disrespect particularity if you live in what I call a progressive school system. Without respect and discipline, not much gets done.
Which part of the ohio social studies content standards do you have an issue with?
This is just an unfounded rant.
No you just have our head buried in a dark smelly hole. Liberals have grabbed control of the US Education structure and have already been teaching history in a different manner. It's not to difficult to notice. This country used to pride it self on self accomplishment and getting ahead. Now the theme is no one succeeds without cheating some how and instead of working wait long enough and the Liberals in Congress will give you handouts.

Historians have already warped American history that is why we're witnessing the public defamation of American History today. These peole aren't just destroying so called statues of the Confereacy they are attacking anything that commemorates how this country was created, good or bad.
Comparing Confederate Generals to Hitler and Stalin is stupid.

Well done.

Oh, there is no East Germany. You're stupid on history before they started erasing it! lmao
gosh a ruddies Confederate Generals committed treason and fought for a regime created to protect chattel slavery and caused they caused the deaths of 400,000 Union soldiers.
History lesson.

Confederate statues were put up after the Civil War to help with the reconstruction and healing of the nation.
If the Union did nothing but continue to burn every piece of civilization in the south post war, another civil war would have been assured.
Now this doesn’t mean these Confederate statues/memorials have to stand forever.
Is does mean that there should be a discussion and eventual vote from the people in these areas as to keeping them or not.

the mob doesn’t have a right to pull down any statue/memorial.

But logic doesn’t rule the day in the age of the absurd.
People believe a man can have a period, get pregnant and have a baby.
statues put up to praise traitors should come down.
Most of these monuments that people just suddenly found themselves caring about deeply as they learned about their existence in the "fake news" belong in museums.

We've toppled statues of fallen regimes abroad. It makes zero sense to have statues and displays publically honoring a traitorous short-lived loser at home. Go see and learn about them at your local museum, historical society or preserved battlefield.
I’m more irritated with trying to tear down statues of Washington, Jefferson or even abolitionist like in WI. The confederacy wasn’t part of the US, so I couldn’t care less about honoring them. I would say this drastically oversimplification of the morality of the Civil War makes me SMH.
Statues start conversations.... no statues, no reminders. I have no issues with statues being removed but do have issues with the mob tearing them down.
Yes if you are going to remove statutes do it legally and after some thought and conversation. People condoning these pasty little punks pulling them down need to re-evaluate their priorities. There has to be
repercussion for the actions of the loons.
Obviously there was a reason to build the statue, name the building/ road etc. I look at Marge Schott's name being taken off the baseball field at UC. Obviously they graciously took the $2 mill back when they needed it, and she was already dead at the time so there hasn't been any new history on Schott. She gave to many charities in the Cincinnati area and employed people of all races. We never agree 100% with everything a person does.
Marge Schott is far from a good example to use.
Majority rules most of the time works out just fine.
There are two presidents in the past 20 years that were elected by neither a majority nor plurality of Americans, and at least one of them did/does a pretty crappy job.

There also doesn’t appear to be anything to suggest the majority of Americans want to see Confederate statues standing / not taken down.
Here‘s one. My daughter‘s first-year, fourth-grade teacher introduced transgender week to her class unbeknownst to the parents and principal. This teacher was fresh out of liberal brain-washing college and, we, along with some other concerned parents, shut it down.
In that circumstance it sounds like the school or her co teachers didn't support her. In Ohio I imagine that would be an extreme example
gosh a ruddies Confederate Generals committed treason and fought for a regime created to protect chattel slavery and caused they caused the deaths of 400,000 Union soldiers.

Yeah, I say run with it.

Should be another winning issue for the President.
Most of these monuments that people just suddenly found themselves caring about deeply as they learned about their existence in the "fake news" belong in museums.

We've toppled statues of fallen regimes abroad. It makes zero sense to have statues and displays publically honoring a traitorous short-lived loser at home. Go see and learn about them at your local museum, historical society or preserved battlefield.
Americans tore down a statue of George III on Manhattan Island just days after the Declaration of Independence. South Africans destroyed statues of Cecil Rhodes. The USMC helped topple the statue of Saddam in Baghdad.

Iconoclasm is more educational than stupid statues of traitors.
History lesson.

Confederate statues were put up after the Civil War to help with the reconstruction and healing of the nation.
If the Union did nothing but continue to burn every piece of civilization in the south post war, another civil war would have been assured.
Now this doesn’t mean these Confederate statues/memorials have to stand forever.
Is does mean that there should be a discussion and eventual vote from the people in these areas as to keeping them or not.

the mob doesn’t have a right to pull down any statue/memorial.

But logic doesn’t rule the day in the age of the absurd.
People believe a man can have a period, get pregnant and have a baby.
Not quite
Reconstruction ended in 1877

"The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil rights tension. "


“Eventually they started to build [Confederate] monuments,” he says. “The vast majority of them were built between the 1890s and 1950s, which matches up exactly with the era of Jim Crow segregation.” According to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s research, the biggest spike was between 1900 and the 1920s.
" backlash to the Civil Rights Movement was spreading Confederate symbols in other ways: In 1956, Georgia redesigned its state flag to include the Confederate battle flag; and in 1962, South Carolina placed the flag atop its capitol building. "

In other words many of these statues were built to send a message to Blacks still fighting for equal rights that we down here believe in what the South fought for.
I’m more irritated with trying to tear down statues of Washington, Jefferson or even abolitionist like in WI. The confederacy wasn’t part of the US, so I couldn’t care less about honoring them. I would say this drastically oversimplification of the morality of the Civil War makes me SMH.
"I would say this drastically oversimplification of the morality of the Civil War makes me SMH." Gosh we have the Confederates fighting to break up the United States of America and to create a nation to protect and expand the institution of chattel slavery. Boy that was a bad thing to fight for.
So there is still a confederacy of sorts, we should fly a nazi/rebel flag. That would strike terror in you gals hearts
You start the movement...put the flags in your front yard, bumper stickers on your car and post it on your facebook and linkedin. Don't be a p#ssy if you believe it embrace work (if you are employed) put some stuff up in your cubicle or work space. Go all in