Go Buckeyes
Week 15 Results:
We had 5 ontestants tie with 13 out of 14 correct picks. Our overall winner is @AirRaidLeach with the closest score to the tiebreaker - 47.
@AirRaidLeach (48)
@Mean_Green (42)
@afwpatfire (54)
@Kwengerd (39)
@BFG (56)
Week 16 Open:
We had 5 ontestants tie with 13 out of 14 correct picks. Our overall winner is @AirRaidLeach with the closest score to the tiebreaker - 47.
@AirRaidLeach (48)
@Mean_Green (42)
@afwpatfire (54)
@Kwengerd (39)
@BFG (56)
Week 16 Open: