Byron Hadley
Active member
At what point is it unsafe for a team to play Tiger? 13 guys? 12 guys?Three teams that are soft and cowards with no heart .You don't see the team that got their butt kicked 63-0 already by them refusing to play again. You don't not play a team because you dont think you can beat them. That's weak AF
a year or 2 ago..I think CCD was undefeated and had to cancel season for injuries? They soft? a D7 16 seed soft if they get injured to the point they cant field a team? Curious how weak it is if a team doesnt have 11 guys?
Keep in mind also, a lot of these schools have the end of the 1st quarter come around and eligibilty hits anywere from week 8 to week 11.
I agree teams should suck it up and play, but you have to realize some physically cannot. Unless you have inside information, you should check your opinions on topics like this. If look at Lockland on Joe Eitel, they had to cancel a game vs a team they had a chance to win against. Doubt they did that because they were soft.