Wow. That's a book- or at least a 60 page term paper. But my opinion is shorter. LolFunny, ex Amish guy comes onto guru site more often than most anyone else.
I was watching a classic movie a couple days ago, one that I have never made it all the way through due to its juvenile humor and content. But they made one salient point that has gotten me thinking this week. They stated that Amish people get ahead in life by doing things one and a half times more than the average English. As I thought about that, and a scene in For Richer or Poorer where the actor says " 5:00 in the morning, I overslept" or something sis milar to that. I was trained at a young age to get up around 3:00. I then would work typically 12 hours, take a 1 hour nap, and work another 6 hours. Dad always said "stay too busy to spend your money and you will multiply it many times".
So my question for you Mr Guru is this, do you believe Amish in general work 1.5 times harder than the English? Or is their lifestyle mostly responsible for their ability to save large sums of money relative to their income?
The Amish do work harder than most folks by virtue of the modern conveniences they do not use.
I think this is particularly true of farmers. There is a loss of efficiency when you don't use tractors or modern equipment, for example, and that lack of efficiency is paid for with a lot of sweat.
But that can apply to other aspects of Amish life. For example, until recently, almost all Amish did their laundry with a wring washer and no dryer. The work involved with washing, wringing, rinsing, and wringing again is a lot more labor intensive than throwing your clothes in a modern washer. Then, once the laundry is washed it has to be hung outside to dry (weather permitting) or hung in the basement.
Now, for all except the low groups, more of them are using modern conveniences like tractors (with some limitations) and washers, even dryers. Increased used of solar and larger generators have allowed them to advance into more convenience and save some of the extra labor.
But, by modern English standards, they still have to make up for a lack of efficiency with harder work - comparatively. And they are generally happy to make those sacrifices in order to maintain a separation and difference from "the world".
As to wealth and prosperity - it is incredible how many Amish in Holmes Co are filthy rich. They are an industrious, frugal, and hardworking people. They save money in dozens of ways: insurance, transportation, utilities, clothes, food (with butchering their own animals and gardens, canning/freezing), no jewelry, entertainment, etc., etc. Even on modest incomes, if a a family saves wisely over decades and earns well above their lifestyle, they can accumulate an eye-popping amount of money and assets.