Like preeder said, you need to keep your grades up. Here is a little math lesson
You say they are bringing in the fastest seniors in the state and MOST ...are getting scholarship and it is MORE than room and board.
Of the high school seniors they brought in, 21 show up as freshmen on their roster. MOST of 21 would mean at least 11 (because 10 or less would be less than half and not represent MOST of the number 21).
Room and board at OSU is listed as $10164, tuition is $9735. OSU is allowed 9.9 scholarships by NCAA rules. That means they have a budget of roughly $200,000 for their swim/dive team. I know that is not exact, and out-of-state tuition fees muddle things, and nobody publishes actual budgets and actual scholarship amounts, but it is easier to do math with numbers rather than adjectives.
If they give MORE than room & board to MOST of the freshmen, that would mean at least:
11 x $10164 = $111,804
That is over half their total scholarship budget going to a single class. But they have to share the total budget among sophomores, juniors and seniors. Do you believe someone that tells you Ohio State has spread their scholarship money like this:
freshmen: $110,000
sophomore: $30,000
junior: $30,000
senior: $30,000
total =$200,000
But if you can provide a list of eleven freshman from Ohio that receive over $10k in scholarship from OSU, I would be very impressed. Statistically on average, one-quarter of their scholarship budget is allocated to each class, for example, $50,000. That means that not even five freshman can be given MORE than room/board because that would be $50,820. But if they did give five freshman room/board, that would leave zero dollars for the other 16 freshman. That would imply 5 on scholarship and 16 walkon. Which makes more sense:
11 or more with over $10k or
most guys are either walk-ons or receive less than $2000 for books and sundries?
But realistically, you won't care what any college is offering other freshman. It will only matter whey they are offering to you.
I wonder, who told you that MOST of the freshmen are getting MORE than room/board? Maybe OSU has found another way to fund athletes (like boosters have been doing for the football team).