SW Ohio

ECC/GGCL/GMC Games this week!

Monday Night Spreads and Totals!
Kings @ Loveland (-7.5) (O/U 104.5)
West Clermont @ Walnut Hills (-0.5) (O/U 86.5)
Lebanon @ Little Miami (-1.5) (O/U 111.5)
Anderson @ Milford (-31) (O/U 87.5)
Turpin @ Winton Woods (-53.5) (O/U 103.5)

Tuesday Night Spreads and Totals!
Lakota West (-29.5) @ Hamilton (O/U 80.5)
St. Ursula (-8.5) @ Mercy McAuley (O/U 87.5)
Mount Notre Dame (-44.5) @ Ursuline (O/U 99.5)

Wednesday Night Spreads and Totals!
Fairfield @ Mason (-35.5) (O/U 107.5)
Lakota East (-15) @ Middletown (O/U 93.5)
Colerain @ Oak Hills (-15) (O/U 78.5)
Princeton (-13.5) @ Sycamore (O/U 115.5)
You have knowledge of what is said to the current players in the locker room after the game, what the coaching staff wears after the game, and are calling girls out on the team by name, with additional knowledge that MND administrators are making home visits to junior high athletes, are taking time to post these things on a message board, and you don’t have a daughter in the program?

Why so invested then?
You have missed the entire point of everything I posted. MND is a Cincinnati Archdiocese School. Prospective parent(s).

How do you think it looks to kids and parents when a MND student (athlete) tells prospective parents/students (during a school tour) that she did not take the HSPT test? The HSPT test is required and is a vital part of the MND entrance—their website says that.

And then she adds she had a visit from admin come to her house. It makes any parent and student wonder how MND conducts academics and everything else at the school.
Fortunately a teammate of my daughter’s is on the varsity staff now at MND so I made sure to screenshot your concerns and send them to her so she can address them with the staff directly to clean things up, especially as they pertain to the individual players you named specifically.
I’m sure anyone within MND is able to tell who this is. It’s never hard to tell
I don't have knowledge on some of the things that he talked about, but a lot the stuff on here is almost common knowledge.
The coach has been made fun of for the hat since his Cincy Swish/West Clermont days.
And kids talk. Kids play AAU together in the spring and summer, talk about their high school coaches and teammates, and then return to their high school teams sharing the stories. Some players post stuff on Twitter that they really shouldn't be. If you're a player, coach, parent, or administrator, you've heard all the stories about who's been recruited by who, who wants to transfer, etc.
I’m referring to the post that said he was wearing the hat immediately after the game which tells me this poster was there and about not allowing a student to post on social media which I assumed was relayed in the locker room to just the players.

My daughter played against Drew in AAU and at MND when he was at Mercy McAuley with Nick, I’m familiar. I’m not defending Drew as I am removed from the program and do not know what takes place there other than what I see and hear from parents of siblings still there that are related to people by daughter’s age.

What I am defending is that parents have a choice in what they want to do with their children.

My daughter did not go to Mount Notre Dame for the all girls experience or the Catholic education. She went there to play basketball for Doc. And guess what? AAU and transferring was just as big then as it is now.

My daughter’s AAU teammates went to MND to play, so she followed. And she got to play in the same showcases and events that still exist today, some of which other schools including her home public school would never be able to play in and get that exposure.

If a parent wants to move to Mason to give their daughter a better athletic experience? That’s their decision.

To sit here and think this is isolated to a single coach or a program is unbelievable. We had offers from MULTIPLE public schools to pay for an apartment with a fake address to get my daughter to play for their HS program, and none of them were even tied to AAU!

I hate to be the breaker of bad news, but there will be many more talented young ladies that come to MND just for the sake of playing basketball, and I’ll take it even a step further and say some of them will probably come from the coach’s AAU program. And the same will happen at other private schools and public schools, just as it always has.

Let it be the parents decision!
Fortunately a teammate of my daughter’s is on the varsity staff now at MND so I made sure to screenshot your concerns and send them to her so she can address them with the staff directly to clean things up, especially as they pertain to the individual players you named specifically.
Make sure to add in how the head coach beat a team by 69 points, running the entire game, but then refused to allow the MND X account holder to post the final score. He’s a coward.
"To sit here and think this is isolated to a single coach or a program is unbelievable. We had offers from MULTIPLE public schools to pay for an apartment with a fake address to get my daughter to play for their HS program, and none of them were even tied to AAU!"

That's outright cheating by any "public school" --- how about giving us the names---of course private schools have no boundaries as you well know, so its an uneven playing field from the get-go!
I’m referring to the post that said he was wearing the hat immediately after the game which tells me this poster was there and about not allowing a student to post on social media which I assumed was relayed in the locker room to just the players.

My daughter played against Drew in AAU and at MND when he was at Mercy McAuley with Nick, I’m familiar. I’m not defending Drew as I am removed from the program and do not know what takes place there other than what I see and hear from parents of siblings still there that are related to people by daughter’s age.

What I am defending is that parents have a choice in what they want to do with their children.

My daughter did not go to Mount Notre Dame for the all girls experience or the Catholic education. She went there to play basketball for Doc. And guess what? AAU and transferring was just as big then as it is now.

My daughter’s AAU teammates went to MND to play, so she followed. And she got to play in the same showcases and events that still exist today, some of which other schools including her home public school would never be able to play in and get that exposure.

If a parent wants to move to Mason to give their daughter a better athletic experience? That’s their decision.

To sit here and think this is isolated to a single coach or a program is unbelievable. We had offers from MULTIPLE public schools to pay for an apartment with a fake address to get my daughter to play for their HS program, and none of them were even tied to AAU!

I hate to be the breaker of bad news, but there will be many more talented young ladies that come to MND just for the sake of playing basketball, and I’ll take it even a step further and say some of them will probably come from the coach’s AAU program. And the same will happen at other private schools and public schools, just as it always has.

Let it be the parents decision!
I don't think anyone is claiming this is an issue only related to MND. Right now the conversation is MND, last year it was Purcell. Someone else just stated that GMC and ECC schools are doing the same thing. No one is claiming MND or Drew is the only one.

"Let it be the parents decision" is a very convenient motto when you have the money to move to your district of choice or pay MND tuition. It's very convenient when you're on the side that ends up with the advantage. But 90% of the other districts are bound to the kids that walk through the doors, which was what high school athletics was supposed to be. Teach and develop the players you have. Yes, I understand that it's not what it is anymore.

The argument of "exposure" is irrelevant. If you're good, they'll find you no matter where you're at.
I don't think anyone is claiming this is an issue only related to MND. Right now the conversation is MND, last year it was Purcell. Someone else just stated that GMC and ECC schools are doing the same thing. No one is claiming MND or Drew is the only one.

"Let it be the parents decision" is a very convenient motto when you have the money to move to your district of choice or pay MND tuition. It's very convenient when you're on the side that ends up with the advantage. But 90% of the other districts are bound to the kids that walk through the doors, which was what high school athletics was supposed to be. Teach and develop the players you have. Yes, I understand that it's not what it is anymore.

The argument of "exposure" is irrelevant. If you're good, they'll find you no matter where you're at.
I totally understand your point. The closed enrollment schools are completely at a disadvantage. I don’t think anyone is arguing that.

But if a parent has the means to send their child to play basketball at MND, especially now that Ohio EdChoice has made that even MORE accessible with tuition, they shouldn’t have to be automatically slapped with the “they were recruited illegally” tag regardless of who they play AAU for.

And you are correct with the exposure piece to an extent. I just think players like Makira Cook got more recognition from college coaches and accolades at MND than she would’ve at Finneytown… not to mention they were college-ready when they got to college and knew how to win and play with D1 talent around them.
The thing with the MND grade school night is silly, if the coach said send us a basketball pic of you when you were in grade school, then their biggest mistake was not specifying "in an actual grade school uniform not AAU" for a 2nd year staff, okay lesson learned. But two kids who were on the same AAU team in grade school but didn't go to the same school and are now teammates again probably thought that was a cute picture to send so not seeing the level of offense to this that others are taking.

Harris being at MND isn't because of Legends, until this past AAU season she grew up playing in the same program that the Bransford girls (Cincinnati Angels that became Sports City Angels) also grew up in and her brother goes to an all boys Catholic school (Moeller) where they have been very happy so she was headed the same route and MND was always the likely frontrunner.

Hackney, sure, is very likely at MND because of the Legends connection. But as someone else said this is neither new or going to ever change and yes it happens everywhere. At Mason, Parrish grew up in Centerville and by all accounts should have been headed there for high school too. And just two years later Addy Gillman, still living in Miamisburg (actually hosted a team bonding event at her house in Miamisburg) with a senior brother on the Miamisburg football team at the same time, shows up at Mason. But most schools (particularly the Catholics) know that they need to fill seats first and foremost and if MND (or anyone else) fields a team of 5 studs and no one else ever gets on the court than pretty quickly players who aren't high level studs are going to go elsewhere, hence they know they have to balance the pendulum effect (look at the transfers in and OUT of Purcell Marion the past few years).

I don't know that not posting a score is "cowardly" but I don't have as strong an opinion as some posters about this new MND staff. I will say that while they do roster more freshmen on varsity than MND teams used to, I respect that they don't start freshmen, studs or Legends players or not. They may sub them in first but they won't start them. Shows they do care about things like building an identity and culture.
I’m referring to the post that said he was wearing the hat immediately after the game which tells me this poster was there and about not allowing a student to post on social media which I assumed was relayed in the locker room to just the players.
You assumed wrong again. It was grade school night. I was there; just like the Open House. There were other prospective parents as well. You’d be shocked how loose lips students and coaches are in that environment. It spoke volumes about the school for me.

And I was not the only one walking away thinking negative thoughts about MND.
You assumed wrong again. It was grade school night. I was there; just like the Open House. There were other prospective parents as well. You’d be shocked how loose lips students and coaches are in that environment. It spoke volumes about the school for me.

And I was not the only one walking away thinking negative thoughts about MND.
Can you identify any specific violations that were made by coaches and students on grade school night?
I don't think anyone is claiming this is an issue only related to MND. Right now the conversation is MND, last year it was Purcell. Someone else just stated that GMC and ECC schools are doing the same thing. No one is claiming MND or Drew is the only one.

"Let it be the parents decision" is a very convenient motto when you have the money to move to your district of choice or pay MND tuition. It's very convenient when you're on the side that ends up with the advantage. But 90% of the other districts are bound to the kids that walk through the doors, which was what high school athletics was supposed to be. Teach and develop the players you have. Yes, I understand that it's not what it is anymore.

The argument of "exposure" is irrelevant. If you're good, they'll find you no matter where you're at.
Bingo. Someone gets it.
You assumed wrong again. It was grade school night. I was there; just like the Open House. There were other prospective parents as well. You’d be shocked how loose lips students and coaches are in that environment. It spoke volumes about the school for me.

And I was not the only one walking away thinking negative thoughts about MND.
So if you’re a perspective parent with a kid there for grade school night and open house and hated it, don’t send your kid to MND! Would save the headache of posting! Problem solved.
Can you identify any specific violations that were made by coaches and students on grade school night?
Where did I state in any post there was a ‘violation’ on grade school night? Those were opinions formulated by my observations about a coach and his staff. I am a Catholic grade school parent seeking to find a Catholic HS for my kids.

Now, the MND open house, that’s a different matter. Those comments by that player is absolutely an issue. Like a said, MND is fortunate it stopped there.
So if you’re a perspective parent with a kid there for grade school night and open house and hated it, don’t send your kid to MND! Would save the headache of posting! Problem solved.
We will make our decision when the time arrives. But I am certainly allowed to post/report about any issues I see fit on a HS board.

Ppl get way too offended and combative when something is posted negatively about their school.
We will make our decision when the time arrives. But I am certainly allowed to post/report about any issues I see fit on a HS board.

Ppl get way too offended and combative when something is posted negatively about their school.
Best of luck in your decision! Sounds like MND will not be the best fit and that’s ok. Just like parents that make the decision to attend MND, the great thing about this world is that people have the decision to not send their kids there and go elsewhere as well! No offense taken.

Signing off and good luck to everyone else this year!
In defense to Drew, maybe the athletic director asked them not to post the score on X? I know when Seton has beat people by 30 plus (mainly JV😂), they don’t post it out of respect for the other team.
I think a lot of what everyone has opinions about is valid in regards to public/private schools recruiting kids for sports. They were doing that when I played and I did transfer twice because of that, and that was a LONG TIME AGO! Jumping forward to now, all 3 of my kids have been recruited by multiple highscools for basketball and as parents we always felt like, “it’s just HS sports, stay where you are and try to build something” and I think they have and we’re proud of that. And when it comes to exposure, my kids got all of their exposure in the spring and summer. If fortunate enough to play in a HS exposure event, then that’s just a bonus opportunity to showcase yourself. But at the end of the day, let’s be honest, it’s been happening for years, its never going to stop and parents are going to do what they think is best for their kids.
MND is smashing other programs with the same perceived advantages of open enrollment, recruiting, coach availability, etc. MND has a 50+ win streak in the GGCL. So, it's not just that. They've built an attractive, sustainable program. If it was as easy as "hire an influential AAU coach that can recruit" don't you think other would have successfully copied the formula.
Spot on!!

As stated in a previous post, it’s happening everywhere. Even in the GMC. Princeton, Sycamore, and Mason all have brought in kids from out of district by way of AAU ties and other connections. And it absolutely puts public schools with closed enrollment and no AAU ties at a massive disadvantage. And to your point this is an annual conversation that gets had. But there’s no way to realistically solve it. The Private and Public separation would not fix the issue because there are public schools operating the same way. Princeton had Givens transfer in from Walnut, Gerton from Summit + more. Mason has move-ins in Parrish from Centerville, Stanfield from Fairborn etc. and had Oldacre transfer in from Princeton and Prows transfer from Ursuline recently.

To think this is a new or private school-only issue is false. But you’re absolutely right in saying the teams that have closed borders and no means to get kids from outside of district are at a disadvantage.
Sycamore doesn't bring in players from "out of district". They can't. They're not open enrollment. If someone wants to and CAN move there, then great. but they can't just GO to Sycamore from wherever they live.
Sycamore doesn't bring in players from "out of district". They can't. They're not open enrollment. If someone wants to and CAN move there, then great. but they can't just GO to Sycamore from wherever they live.
Well, their starting PG was the best Middle Schooler at Fairfield and happens to play AAU for Sycamore's coach... It was a legitimate,100% legal through change of residence, but they have done it!
Well, their starting PG was the best Middle Schooler at Fairfield and happens to play AAU for Sycamore's coach... It was a legitimate,100% legal through change of residence, but they have done it!
This is what I was referring to. The PG came up through Fairfield all the way through middle school, was trained by Sycamore’s assistant coach and was teammates with other members of Sycamore in AAU while playing for the head coach. They moved to Sycamore.
I wasn’t implying anything illegal, but it’s another example of AAU ties and connections influencing high school rosters around the city for the sake of the point I was making that this happens at public schools as well….
Sycamore doesn't bring in players from "out of district". They can't. They're not open enrollment. If someone wants to and CAN move there, then great. but they can't just GO to Sycamore from wherever they live.
Mason isn’t open enrollment either yet 3 of their starters didn’t go to Mason for middle school or live there until high school. People move for basketball.
I don't understand why folks are hammering people (coaches, parents, athletes) for wanting the best for these players. Being around better coaches and better players as much as possible helps players improve more.
I wouldn't sacrifice a kids education or happiness just for sports but I would encourage families to look at multiple options with an open mind to determine what the best experience would be for their kid and family.
Well, their starting PG was the best Middle Schooler at Fairfield and happens to play AAU for Sycamore's coach... It was a legitimate,100% legal through change of residence, but they have done it!
that's all I meant. it's not as easy as say, Princeton, where anyone who wants to can just go there from wherever and they don't have to move. that's a LEGIT move if you're gonna buy a house in the Sycamore district. that's all I meant.

and yes, I realize kids have done that.
Mason isn’t open enrollment either yet 3 of their starters didn’t go to Mason for middle school or live there until high school. People move for basketball.
that's true. and definitely much easier to find some affordable housing in Mason than Sycamore. that's just a fact.
Thursday - Saturday Spreads and Totals!

Thursday, Jan. 16
West Clermont (-9) @ Loveland (O/U 96.5)
Winton Woods (-11) @ Walnut Hills (O/U 80.5)
Lebanon (-22) @ Turpin (O/U 97.5)
Kings @ Milford (-19.5) (O/U 102.5)
Anderson @ Little Miami (-24.5) (O/U 79.5)
Seton (-23.5) @ Mercy McAuley (O/U 94.5)
Ursuline @ St. Ursula (-9.5) (O/U 77.5)
Northwest @ Mt. Healthy (-13.5) (O/U 52.5)

Friday, Jan. 17
Colerain @ Lakota East (-27.5) (O/U 91.5)
Fairfield @ Princeton (-28.5) (O/U 99.5)

Saturday, Jan. 18
Hamilton @ Middletown (-0.5) (O/U 75.5)
Sycamore @ Oak HIlls (-4.5) (O/U 85.5)
Thursday - Saturday Spreads and Totals!

Thursday, Jan. 16
West Clermont (-9) @ Loveland (O/U 96.5) West Clermont 54-49
Winton Woods (-11) @ Walnut Hills (O/U 80.5) Winton Woods 54-36
Lebanon (-22) @ Turpin (O/U 97.5) Lebanon 50-36
Kings @ Milford (-19.5) (O/U 102.5) Milford 65-38
Anderson @ Little Miami (-24.5) (O/U 79.5) Little Miami 58-33
Seton (-23.5) @ Mercy McAuley (O/U 94.5) Seton 45-40
Ursuline @ St. Ursula (-9.5) (O/U 77.5) St. Ursula 39-23
Northwest @ Mt. Healthy (-13.5) (O/U 52.5) Mt. Healthy 27-12

Friday, Jan. 17
Colerain @ Lakota East (-27.5) (O/U 91.5) Lakota East 54-39
Fairfield @ Princeton (-28.5) (O/U 99.5) Princeton 58-19

Saturday, Jan. 18
Hamilton @ Middletown (-0.5) (O/U 75.5) Hamilton 50-42
Sycamore @ Oak HIlls (-4.5) (O/U 85.5) Sycamore 52-45