State Title Talk

I know he bonused his way through last year and I want to say the year before but if Campbell gets at least a MD tomorrow will he go all four years with bonus points in every match at state?
I've got Weisner reversing the outcome at Districts and winning D! at 120 over StEd's Brown. Why you ask? Because I'm an Eagles alum - and not the StEd's Eagles. No other reason. We need our 3rd wrestler to stand on the top of the podium (Stencil did it twice - but he's still only 1 guy). We even did it 3 years in a row with 2 guys after not doing it at all for... well the high school was built in the '20's - the 1920's Last year we had another shot, but somebody rigged the system by putting some ringer with a comic book name of "Blaze" in the same weight class. There's just no more room on the wall at StEds for another state champ. And, we know how some view building a new wall as not being inclusive enough. Do I need any more reasons? Because I have plenty more where those came from...
I think the below list provide the best chance of both brothers winning titles. Will we see it? Who knows. Will be fun to watch!

Rohr's (Perry) - both are in challenging weights, but both are talented. It might be tough, but I wouldn't be surprised should it happen.
Brown's (Eds) - Karson is in with Mason Rohr, so one set of brothers could be out based on that. Kade has taken a loss to Curtis earlier this year at state duals.
Miller's (Eds) - I think JR wins it. Can Ty beat Thomas from LaSalle?

Ohl's (Ontario) - I think Jacob wins it at 113. Aiden was beat in the district finals last weekend and I could see a few people potentially winning this weight depending on who has their mind in the right place this weekend.
Shulaw's (DeSales) - The question is can Lincoln close a very large gap with Neitenbach? I don't think so, but crazier things have happened at the state tournament.

King's (Barnesville) - Dakota/Skyler/Ayden - Are they all brothers? If so, all three have challenging weights, but they have the talent to put themselves in a position to win a state title. Will all 3? I don't think so, but could 2 of them? Possibly.
Thomas's (Harrison Central) - I think 215 is a 2 man race between DeLano and Ripke, but could Lucas provide a challenge and possibly pull an upset or two? I think HWT is open with the top 3 guys and Landen Thomas is one of those guys.
I think the below list provide the best chance of both brothers winning titles. Will we see it? Who knows. Will be fun to watch!

Rohr's (Perry) - both are in challenging weights, but both are talented. It might be tough, but I wouldn't be surprised should it happen.
Brown's (Eds) - Karson is in with Mason Rohr, so one set of brothers could be out based on that. Kade has taken a loss to Curtis earlier this year at state duals.
Miller's (Eds) - I think JR wins it. Can Ty beat Thomas from LaSalle?

Ohl's (Ontario) - I think Jacob wins it at 113. Aiden was beat in the district finals last weekend and I could see a few people potentially winning this weight depending on who has their mind in the right place this weekend.
Shulaw's (DeSales) - The question is can Lincoln close a very large gap with Neitenbach? I don't think so, but crazier things have happened at the state tournament.

King's (Barnesville) - Dakota/Skyler/Ayden - Are they all brothers? If so, all three have challenging weights, but they have the talent to put themselves in a position to win a state title. Will all 3? I don't think so, but could 2 of them? Possibly.
Thomas's (Harrison Central) - I think 215 is a 2 man race between DeLano and Ripke, but could Lucas provide a challenge and possibly pull an upset or two? I think HWT is open with the top 3 guys and Landen Thomas is one of those guys.
Well from what i caught looks like each division has at least one set of brothers going for titles
D1_ Browns and Millers
D2 Shulaws
D3 Thomas
So you prefer saying he wins it "with ease"? Maybe our definitions of "with ease" and being "pushed" are the issue here. I guess we can revisit this after he wins.
Three tech-falls and a major decision. I’d call that “with ease” or maybe “fairly easy” in winning a state championship.