Scale Variance


New member
Question: I know that scales need to be certified, but have not found the specific rules governing by who, how often.

Question 2: What if there is a difference, example, and yes happened to my son. Our home scale had him under by 3 tenths of a pound, he got to the tournament and the scale there said he was even, 15 mins later at the weigh in- he was 3 tenths over. I know everyone is going to say he drank something. This kid cuts weight like it is his job. he knows how much everything weighs. besides he was with the coach the entire time. Anyway, it was a two day tourney, so we brought our scale with us. After the fact we put our scale (certified in Nov by county auditor) beside the tourney scale (certified in July) and ther was a 1/2 lb or 5 tenths difference.

Anyone know what the options are in this situation, can you challenge a scale?

Just curious, I have never experienced such a variance before.
It happens all the time. If you go to a tournament with multiple scales you will see almost everyone reads differently. You can challenge your weight on the lightest scale, but I have never heard of just flat out challenging a single scale.
I have seen the variance in scales at different tourneys, never half a pound. two tenths at most. Does anyone know the rules?
1 of the 4 scales at Medina was reading .7 or .8 under....they removed that particular scale from the weigh-in area and just went with 3. It's pretty easy to see if one of multiple scales is off.....if there is only 1 scale though, I don't know what you do. Are you at the mercy of that 1 scale?
Question: I know that scales need to be certified, but have not found the specific rules governing by who, how often.

NFHS Wrestling Rules Book

2-4-1. Scales for weighing in contestants of both teams shall be provided by the home management.

2-4-2. The accuracy of these scales shall be certified annually, in accordance with guidelines established by the state association.

The only thing I could find from OHSAA about certified scales is a Q&A that said:

If the scale used during weigh-ins is labeled with a statement that states the “scale is accurate within one tenth of a pound”, can the weigh master accept a wrestler when the scale reads 119.1 for the119 pound weight class? NO, the certified scale is accepted as accurate. No exceptions, and remember the wrestlers may not remove the undergarment to make the weight class.”