Perkins football coach Santoro facing suspension after bus incident

Somebody got to interview the actual bus driver because I'm pretty sure I would've said the hell with that and took em home. "It's 11pm and yall want me to do what now?"
Santoro is young to an extent and wins so he will recieve grace but man that principal better get real comfortable in his position because nobody else gonna let him lead their youth. He is getting killed as this story is picking up more steam again
Somebody got to interview the actual bus driver because I'm pretty sure I would've said the hell with that and took em home. "It's 11pm and yall want me to do what now?"
Santoro is young to an extent and wins so he will recieve grace but man that principal better get real comfortable in his position because nobody else gonna let him lead their youth. He is getting killed as this story is picking up more steam again
From what I have heard, it was a charter bus, so the bus driver did not really care where they went; they were paid by the hour.
I love the fact that there is still the occasional poster on here that defends this lunacy... Not sure how anyone, apparently other than the Santoro family that thinks this was ok. It seems as though the reputation that Perkins now has is well earned and becoming more well known outside of the SBC.
I guess we can say something was done, in terms of punishment. The worst however has already been done in terms of reputation.
If Santoro has a mediocre season in the next few years, the wheels will fall off in a hurry. From what I have heard the coaching staff made a lot of enemies and most high schools go through cycles of down years. Sometimes its hard for young coaches to understand how their actions of their late 20's/early 30's can effect their entire career. I did some foolish things (I would of never done anything like this)as a coach in my mid and late 20's and it probably cost me a handful of teaching and coaching jobs. Hopefully he learns and grows as a teacher/coach from this.
I love the fact that there is still the occasional poster on here that defends this lunacy... Not sure how anyone, apparently other than the Santoro family that thinks this was ok. It seems as though the reputation that Perkins now has is well earned and becoming more well known outside of the SBC.
Yep. The morning show on 92.3 the fan in Cleveland caught this story and spent about 20 minutes just making fun of Perkins and the situation. They look like clowns.
Its was a charter bus. Did hear today by a teacher there, that they are investigating more things than just the bus. Maybe firer able thing.
Its was a charter bus. Did hear today by a teacher there, that they are investigating more things than just the bus. Maybe firer able thing.
Why would they have a charter bus if the game was in Clyde? It's only a 25 minute drive from Perkins HS to Clyde. It's a little longer on the way home due to a little extra detour..