I think there may be a bigger issue then the paperwork for the transfer....this is just what I am thinking could be the issue...he was living in Akron all along...gave Copley a bad address...because he was on the football team, Copley didn't do a thorough investigation...now here is where it gets sticky ( I also could be wrong) Copley received state funds for a kid that didn't belong to them...should have went to Akron...the transfer investigation tripped this....so who is at fault and who does Copley have to pay back...if the kid lied about his address to Copley...who is at fault..Copley or the kid...transfers to Massillon...is there a possible eligibility issue to the fact that he played at a school and should not have and now he is playing at another school when he may have screwed his eligibility up while at Copley without a valid residency.....As said earlier Copley is non open enrollment and they do not accept tuition....is there solid verification that he and his family were living in Akron and not Copley? If they have solid info that they were living in Copley then my theory is not valid...I have heard that the kid in question has retained a lawyer
Have to add this as an edit...is there any info that Moore as the AD knew this info about residency concerns with Copley and Akron...( once again if there is residency concerns...I am just surmising some of this)..and may have slow played the transfer paperwork
I am just surmising with the info we have...like I said I can be totally incorrect....But if there are shenanigans at Copley...the OHSAA has shown to punish for previous bad actions...and the one thing I believe is Copley is upset and are playing the victim.....they may have been waiting to start to punish when the transfer paperwork went thru, but they may be thinking that the slow play of the transfer paperwork was not going to let them play the victim and they reported something...Like I said I could be wrong...and does the boys basketball coach investing issues have any merit to this? How much money did he give them that will eventually have to be paid back...just another conjecture on my part
Thanks Coach Dente. The real issue here is why the OHSAA is looking at this now at literally the 25th hour period . either incompetence or terrible protocol to not have surfaced this before the season started. If surfaced within the past five weeks, it should be too bad for whoever brought the accusation..
This is why in the State of Ohio The OHSAA is truly in the Stone Age along with the whole political Process is so out of date. I believe that this issue hopefully forces the whole State of Ohio to deal with the Flawed Biased and Economically Challenged in the state.
I first off have a problem with a School District that denies a kid entry in there School District that takes Federal and State money your hard earned money denying a kid because of where they live and there Economic status and this also includes Race. This is a real problem that I have with the State of Ohio Mandating and forcing your kid to go to a district that you do not want to attend.
Open enrollment in the State of Ohio is Flawed, Biased, and is also Race based it needs to stop. This Kid is the Failure of School Administrators not doing there job correctly and the OHSAA being Flat out making political pawns out of kids.
I lived in Florida and this was never a problem in Florida as you can go to School any where you wish. My granddaughter went through a county just to go to school where she wanted to go to. with no problem or red tape bs.
One thing no one is talking about is High School NIL like it or not it is coming to Ohio and this also will force some issues on the table and I believe ulimitly in the Court of Law.
It is time to redo the whole system in Ohio regarding Education and School Districts. Eliminate the current system and have open Enrollment across the board not just little pieces.
OHSAA and State of Ohio are out of Date and time for Change. and it is also time for School districts to stop acting like children and play Sports regardless of who it is.