Active member
When: Sunday, January 30, 2011
Where: Wauseon High School - 840 Parkview Ave.
Pre-registration: All forms must be turned in by January 22, 2011.
Attention: Michael Geis – P.O. Box 254, Wauseon OH., 43567
Entry Fee: $15.00 ($20.00 for Late Registration. All checks payable to Wauseon Wrestling Association
Questions: Michael Geis (Tournament Director) @ 419-335-4339 Fax: 419-335-3324 Email:
Weigh-ins: Saturday, January 29, 2009 - 10:00 to Noon @ Wauseon High School
Call Ins if More than 50 miles away or more than 10 wrestlers.
Must enter doors on west side of school
Wrestling Begins: All divisions will start at 10:00 (Rule clinic 9:30)
Format: Round Robin Brackets (4 per bracket) Weight classes will be determined the day of the tournament.
The tournament director reserves the right to combine and delete weight classes.
Modified High School Rules **Sudden Victory Overtime ** 12 pt. Tech Fall.
All Divsions: Two 1 ½ min. periods All Neutral position. Birth Certificate required if age is challenged.
Wrestling attire: Singlet or T-shirt tucked into shorts - No sweats or loose fitting clothing
Divisions: 6 and under - DI 7 and 8 – DII Age as of date of tournament
9 and 10 – DIII 11 and 12 – D IV
Awards: All Wrestlers Will Get An Award
Admission: Adults $5.00 Students $2.00 Family $15.00
Concessions: Hot food and beverages served all day
------------------------------------------------- Cut and return bottom portion only ------------------------------------------------------
NAME (Print)___________________________________ Age_____ Division_____ Birth Date_____________
Address__________________________________________C ity/State/Zip______________________________
Email address________________________________School/ClubName________________________________
Novice____ Years Exp. _______ State/National Placer Y / N Place__________________________
In Consideration for acceptance of this entry, I hereby waive and release for myself, my heirs and administrator, all rights and claims for damages against Wauseon High School, Wauseon Parks and Recreation, Tomahawk Wrestling Club, TWC Wrestling Tournament personnel, or their representatives for any and all injuries suffered by me at this tournament.
Parent/Guardian Signature/Date _________________________________________ Phone _________________
Wrestler Signature/Date ______________________________________________
-----------------------------------------------Do not write below this line - Tournament use only-----------------------------------------------------
Paid _____Cash _____Check (check #__________) Official Weight______________________________
Copy of Entry Form provided by with
permission of Tomahawk Wrestling Club per Michael Geis
Where: Wauseon High School - 840 Parkview Ave.
Pre-registration: All forms must be turned in by January 22, 2011.
Attention: Michael Geis – P.O. Box 254, Wauseon OH., 43567
Entry Fee: $15.00 ($20.00 for Late Registration. All checks payable to Wauseon Wrestling Association
Questions: Michael Geis (Tournament Director) @ 419-335-4339 Fax: 419-335-3324 Email:
Weigh-ins: Saturday, January 29, 2009 - 10:00 to Noon @ Wauseon High School
Call Ins if More than 50 miles away or more than 10 wrestlers.
Must enter doors on west side of school
Wrestling Begins: All divisions will start at 10:00 (Rule clinic 9:30)
Format: Round Robin Brackets (4 per bracket) Weight classes will be determined the day of the tournament.
The tournament director reserves the right to combine and delete weight classes.
Modified High School Rules **Sudden Victory Overtime ** 12 pt. Tech Fall.
All Divsions: Two 1 ½ min. periods All Neutral position. Birth Certificate required if age is challenged.
Wrestling attire: Singlet or T-shirt tucked into shorts - No sweats or loose fitting clothing
Divisions: 6 and under - DI 7 and 8 – DII Age as of date of tournament
9 and 10 – DIII 11 and 12 – D IV
Awards: All Wrestlers Will Get An Award
Admission: Adults $5.00 Students $2.00 Family $15.00
Concessions: Hot food and beverages served all day
------------------------------------------------- Cut and return bottom portion only ------------------------------------------------------
NAME (Print)___________________________________ Age_____ Division_____ Birth Date_____________
Address__________________________________________C ity/State/Zip______________________________
Email address________________________________School/ClubName________________________________
Novice____ Years Exp. _______ State/National Placer Y / N Place__________________________
In Consideration for acceptance of this entry, I hereby waive and release for myself, my heirs and administrator, all rights and claims for damages against Wauseon High School, Wauseon Parks and Recreation, Tomahawk Wrestling Club, TWC Wrestling Tournament personnel, or their representatives for any and all injuries suffered by me at this tournament.
Parent/Guardian Signature/Date _________________________________________ Phone _________________
Wrestler Signature/Date ______________________________________________
-----------------------------------------------Do not write below this line - Tournament use only-----------------------------------------------------
Paid _____Cash _____Check (check #__________) Official Weight______________________________
Copy of Entry Form provided by with
permission of Tomahawk Wrestling Club per Michael Geis