No Band No Football

Does band directly correlate to academics? Or do people in the band generally perform better at academics? Do you get smarter from walking in circles for 10 minutes a week? Or is it just the type of kid playing each activity/sport. If anything football is more inclusive I’d say. Kids from all walks of life can play.
From what I've read, learning to read music and play an instrument does in fact have a positive effect on academics. I would assume that the majority of kids in a HS marching band started playing when they were young. I would be interested to see a study that looked at kids that played an instrument when they were younger, but dropped it when they reached HS.
I can’t believe I read this entire thread. I need to reevaluate my life decisions.

All I can say is that my both my sons have been or are currently in the band. They work harder than I ever did, and I played D3 college (poorly). Also, my oldest is on the Autism Spectrum and marching band made him the young man he is today. Find someone who loves you as much as he loves marching band. You’ll be forever happy.
Nobody hurt me. I still see band kids that act like this.

You do seem awfully agitated by me though. Any reason why that is?
Your first few posts on this site were on a marching band topic and contained some very strange and somewhat intimate details about the inner workings of a marching band. They were extremely long...almost as if you had been working on them and editing them for some time. I'm not sure if you know what agitated means, but I was merely making light of your essays and the passion and energy you obviously put into them!
From what I've read, learning to read music and play an instrument does in fact have a positive effect on academics. I would assume that the majority of kids in a HS marching band started playing when they were young. I would be interested to see a study that looked at kids that played an instrument when they were younger, but dropped it when they reached HS.

You are correct. And yet, in some schools, music and arts are the first things cut.

Ahhh...but for the sake of argument, why would a school/community choose an activity that doesn't help their students as much as band (or anything else that would help kids post high school)?
Applicant A: 6'5 225 runs a 4.45 40 and got a 28 on their ACT
Applicant B: Best Tuba player in Ohio. Got a 31 on their ACT

Applicant A has the option of going to Harvard with need based financial aid, Stanford on a full scholly, Duke on a full scholly, etc. and will play in the NFL or begin a career in iBanking at Citi/Goldman/Credit Suisse/JPMC (the real one not the rotational program)

Applicant B will go to OSU and graduate and work in accounting.

Both good options, but give me the football player.
This is a silly topic but some funny reactions. I don’t know about all the GCL Coed teams but there are bands at Alter and McNick that I’m aware of. Alters band is very big (at least last season) and McNick has maybe 15 most years. McNicholas band director I’m sure welcomes anyone but there just isn’t much interest.

As an aside,I know Roger Bacon has a band I can’t say for sure about Badin, CJ, Carroll, Fenwick. If they have bands they probably don’t travel.
I'd ballpark Fenwick's band around 25-30. Good enough to help the atmosphere a bit but certainly takes a back seat to football by a wide margin.
Applicant A: 6'5 225 runs a 4.45 40 and got a 28 on their ACT
Applicant B: Best Tuba player in Ohio. Got a 31 on their ACT

Applicant A has the option of going to Harvard with need based financial aid, Stanford on a full scholly, Duke on a full scholly, etc. and will play in the NFL or begin a career in iBanking at Citi/Goldman/Credit Suisse/JPMC (the real one not the rotational program)

Applicant B will go to OSU and graduate and work in accounting.

Both good options, but give me the football player.
Give me neither, they're both dumb as hell.
Your first few posts on this site were on a marching band topic and contained some very strange and somewhat intimate details about the inner workings of a marching band. They were extremely long...almost as if you had been working on them and editing them for some time. I'm not sure if you know what agitated means, but I was merely making light of your essays and the passion and energy you obviously put into them!
The first essay took 1 hour to write and the second essay took 15 minutes to write. I was and still am a very accomplished writer to this day.

As for the very intimate topics about band, I just made those up from similar experiences that I have seen.
If this thread were about A/V club, I’d be more invested. Those clicky rascals were mean to me in high school.
All I can say is that my both my sons have been or are currently in the band. They work harder than I ever did, and I played D3 college (poorly). Also, my oldest is on the Autism Spectrum and marching band made him the young man he is today. Find someone who loves you as much as he loves marching band. You’ll be forever happy.
Best post in this thread by far. Maybe one of the best posts all year on Yappi. Well done Dad!
You are correct. And yet, in some schools, music and arts are the first things cut.

I believe both music and art are required in Ohio. But that is general music, which band would not be part of.
Awwwwww queencitybuckeye, do I need to call the wambulance for you?

Surely there is something that angers you about me. There is nothing wrong with admitting it. You are better off speaking your mind on what angers you about me rather being in denial of it. Did I say something that hurt your feelings? Are you one of the many people that I described?

Like I said, you are better off admitting what made you mad rather than being in denial of it.
As a nerd who spent 6 years in a band that, at its largest, was 25 kids (including middle schoolers, which is why I spent 6 years in the band instead of 4), I respectfully disagree...
Awwwwww queencitybuckeye, do I need to call the wambulance for you?

Surely there is something that angers you about me. There is nothing wrong with admitting it. You are better off speaking your mind on what angers you about me rather being in denial of it. Did I say something that hurt your feelings? Are you one of the many people that I described?

Like I said, you are better off admitting what made you mad rather than being in denial of it.
If you were the great writer you claimed to be, you would know the correct phrase is "As I said", not "Like I said".
Unpopular Take: If your school cannot field a band with at least 25 kids playing instruments, you should not be able to field a football team. Instruments that cannot be used when marching do not count.
When you made this thread were you under the assumption this was going to be a hit?
Not going to read this whole thread...

Our band director was hired as a recent college graduate who filled in when the old band director retired in the middle of the year. At the time, band was a "fun" activity and the director actively recruited as many kids as he could. They played the same stuff year after year, "Blitzkrieg Bop," "Wooly Bully," "Wipeout" etc. and did the bare minimum to qualify as "marching" during football season. They would pretty much play a song, change formation, and play the next song. We were in a league with large, suburban schools at the time and the contrast between bands was a little embarrassing, to be honest.

Almost 10 years later, he has transformed the marching band into a competition band that has qualified for State competitions the past two years and received a Superior rating at a State competition last year. I have told one of the younger coaches at our HS that, instead of modeling his program after football or basketball, he should follow the band director around because that guy is the best coach/program builder in NW Ohio. To take a bunch of kids with very little musical experience coming into junior high school and mold them into a "playoff" team year after year is incredible.