My son won't be wrestling next year

The problem for the OHSAA is that when you start creating an exception for one situation, the exception gets abused and you create a hornet's nest.

Certainly sympathy should be felt about the present situation, but the OHSAA is in a bind if they have determined it's in their best interest to police the movement of student-athletes in scholastic athletics (i.e. prevent situations that are in reality "free agency").

I believe OHSAA reversed their (went on record stating OHSAA would not make an an exception only to reverse their decision and make an exception) when SWCS did not pass their levy last year...then I believe OHSAA made another exception when the levy passed in November.

I agree with your hornets nest statement but there are other "free agent" situations that should be addressed before we ban students from transferring to a neighboring school district due to the fact that their school actually cut the sport. Especially if the sport is cut after the student enrolled and participated in the district program. Just my opinion.
Does Ohio NOT allow an athlete in an individual sport to compete without the sponsorship of the school? I belived Carlton Haselrig of the 6 NCAA wrestling championships wrestled in HS varsity tournaments, paying his own way, and would go to sectionals, granted that was also Pennsylvania

Swiped this from Widipedia
Haselrig won back-to-back PIAA Pennsylvania state high school championships in 1984 and 1985 despite not wrestling during the regular season due Johnstown High's lack of a wrestling team

So why doesn't the Toledo Public Schools tell the OHSAA they will sponsor the sports. Seems to me years ago, there was a kid from Warren that wrestled in the state tournament ... I'm thinking 1990. His school didn't have a team, but the school sponsored him to participate. He worked out at different places and I think paid to enter some tournaments during the season.

Seems to me the TPS could do this for some of the kids who are dedicated to the sport. It shouldn't cost the TPS any money.
Just think, if Michigan had won the Toledo War, circa 1835, Toledo would have been in their state. There's a reason that city has steadily lost population since the '70s.
According to the article in the Toledo paper, "One victim of the cuts is Chase Leedy, who will grudgingly have to leave Start for his senior season. That's if he wishes to continue wrestling. A three-time district qualifier, Leedy went 35-6 last season and won the City League's 119-pound championship." And continues, "According to Ohio High School Athletic Association bylaws, the only way Leedy can compete in wrestling is if he establishes residence outside of the TPS geographical district and transfers to another school, whether in his new district or at an area private school."

It's not going to be cheap, but if you really want him to wrestle you or his mother, and he are going to have to establish a residence outside the TPS boundaries.

We went through that last year in Brunswick with the QB from Nordonia. His folks rented him an apartment and he really lived there, but he was eventually ruled inelgible because neither parent lived there with him. There are all kinds of rules on establishing a residence. What it really comes down to is the child and at least one of his parents/guardians have to live in this residence, sleep, take meals, receive mail, pay bills, etc. the majority of the time.

It's neither cheap nor easy to do this. I wish you the best of luck!
His son is at Toledo Central Catholic. Had tough draw at Brecksville. Does Central Catholic have a club team in the summer? They have really come on strong. Do they run the East Toledo club great youth club? Very nice team.
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