My father in law played for the original Marion Local/ St John's team. He graduated in 49 and his yearbook says they got a new coach in 48 so, no later than 1947.
They played and practiced behind the old St John's building across from the church. I remember him saying the boundaries of the field included part of the ball diamond. Also the whole thing was a fenced in cow pasture behind the school. They didn't, in general, make all of the practices, due to farmwork. Anyway, all practices and games started with the cows being run home (first house south Wendelin/ Mescher farm) Then began the pattie removal (AKA the OG of pre gaming and pre workout).
From his yearbook, it says, two a day practices started on August 23rd.
I also remember a story about a game ( I believe with Minster ???) where it had rained so much that there were puddles all over the field, 6 inches deep. They made a pre game, gentlemen's agreement to not pile on, along with actively getting each other up, especially if they landed face down. Those were the leather helmet, no face mask days.
Of course, then try to kill one another on the next play...