Global Warming

Everything that is wrong with the American environmental movement in one short paragraph. Note the regulatory trick the Biden administration uses to destroy American oil & gas production. How long do you think a climate impact study is going to last?

The agreement was filed Thursday in Colorado federal court and requires the government to conduct a new environmental analysis of the climate impacts of oil and gas leasing on public lands in southwestern Colorado. The government also agreed to consider how the leases may impact the endangered Gunnison sage- grouse and its habitat.
There are still those out there trying to claim the climate isn’t changing.
I'm not aware of a single person who is saying the climate isn't changing. What they are saying is that human activities are not changing GLOBAL climate. There is a big difference.
Activists conflating weather and climate is as much of an issue as deniers conflating long term global changes with localized or regional events.
At minimum the Little Ice Age (LIA) has been confirmed to have involved the entire Northern Hemisphere. While data is lacking on the Southern Hemisphere, primarily for lack of developed civilizations below the equator in the Middle Ages, there is evidence that the LIA was in fact a global event.

But even if limited to just the Northern Hemisphere it was a mega regional effect that we still don't fully understand. Importantly for the purposes of this discussion it was an example of the enormous natural climate variability seen over even relatively short time frames (a few centuries).
The little ice age was also caused by a massive volcano eruption. It’s not applicable
I think the theory today is that the Little Ice Age was primarily caused by changes in the Sun and changes in Atlantic Ocean currents. The effects from Volcanoes, which do impact regional & global climate, are short lived (a couple of years at most). The LIA lasted for centuries.

And lets not forget the Medieval Warm period that preceded the LIA. Another example of large natural climate variations.
I think the theory today is that the Little Ice Age was primarily caused by changes in the Sun and changes in Atlantic Ocean currents. The effects from Volcanoes, which do impact regional & global climate, are short lived (a couple of years at most). The LIA lasted for centuries.

And lets not forget the Medieval Warm period that preceded the LIA. Another example of large natural climate variations.

There was a series of huge eruptions that caused it.
There was a series of huge eruptions that caused it.
That is definitely the minority viewpoint - which doesn't mean it's wrong but the evidence better supports a solar explanation.

As an aside the eruptions would have had to last centuries to maintain the effect that was seen.
No even though data overwhelming points to man made causation.
Fair enough on not settled. Data is all about interpretation and models can quickly be dismissed. I don't believe humans are changing our weather. I am for anything to keep mother earth healthy. Polluting our Oceans is reprehensible. Plastics are a huge problem. I can think of many things we can do to make a real difference. They require hard work and aren't sexy. How's the world doing with deforestation?
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No even though data overwhelming points to man made causation.
That’s debatable but it is a valid case to study and remember that correlation does not equal causation necessarily.

The problem lotr and I have are with the alarmists basically pulling chicken little at all times basically threatening world collapse and catastrophes if we don’t concede to their dogma yesterday.

And you tend to agree with those nutcases.
Not really. They weren’t your standard eruptions. Big enough ones can disrupt the atmosphere for prolonged periods
The problem with the work supporting volcanic eruptions as the only or primary cause of the Little Ice Age is that it relies mostly on modeling & simulations. There has been some ice core work done but it's sparse. IMO the modeling used to reconstruct historical climate conditions is poor and not very accurate.

For those interested this lists what are believed to be the potential major causes for the Little Ice Age. Given the complexity of the Earths climate it would not be surprising if all of them contributed.

Here is an interesting theory involving changes in ocean currents.

What's illuminating is how hard the authors work to keep their theory Global Warming compliant by minimizing the reason that a surge of warm water flowed into the North Atlantic & Arctic seas to trigger the Little Ice Age (LIA). We all know that what preceded the LIA was the medieval warm period. They hand wave that this warmer period was due to fewer volcanic eruptions. But this begs the question about our current warming - haven't we enjoyed a period of quiet on the volcano front for the last 100 years?

Again more evidence of the complexity of the Earth's climate and how ignorant we are of the mechanisms driving natural climate change.
Some info on the fascinating solar cycles that may drive much of the Earths climate change:

Early records of sunspots indicate that the Sun went through a period of inactivity in the late 17th century. Very few sunspots were seen on the Sun from about 1645 to 1715 (38 kb JPEG image). Although the observations were not as extensive as in later years, the Sun was in fact well observed during this time and this lack of sunspots is well documented. This period of solar inactivity also corresponds to a climatic period called the "Little Ice Age" when rivers that are normally ice-free froze and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes. There is evidence that the Sun has had similar periods of inactivity in the more distant past. The connection between solar activity and terrestrial climate is an area of on-going research.
The problem with the work supporting volcanic eruptions as the only or primary cause of the Little Ice Age is that it relies mostly on modeling & simulations. There has been some ice core work done but it's sparse. IMO the modeling used to reconstruct historical climate conditions is poor and not very accurate.

As opposed to near complete guesswork for every other claim of cause
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Here is an interesting theory involving changes in ocean currents.

What's illuminating is how hard the authors work to keep their theory Global Warming compliant by minimizing the reason that a surge of warm water flowed into the North Atlantic & Arctic seas to trigger the Little Ice Age (LIA). We all know that what preceded the LIA was the medieval warm period. They hand wave that this warmer period was due to fewer volcanic eruptions. But this begs the question about our current warming - haven't we enjoyed a period of quiet on the volcano front for the last 100 years?

Again more evidence of the complexity of the Earth's climate and how ignorant we are of the mechanisms driving natural climate change.

The Medieval warm period was localized to Europe. Like the Roman warm period. One event was succeeded by a rapid cooling event, the other was not. So we can safely say European warm periods do not necessarily indicate anything global is going on or that they trigger such freezing events.
The Medieval warm period was localized to Europe. Like the Roman warm period. One event was succeeded by a rapid cooling event, the other was not. So we can safely say European warm periods do not necessarily indicate anything global is going on or that they trigger such freezing events.
It's more accurate to say that evidence for the Medieval Warm period is strongest for Europe AND Western Asia (India experienced it to). There is also evidence to support that the medieval warm period impacted Eastern Asia.

There is little evidence for the Southern Hemisphere but this is mostly due to the lack of sophisticated civilizations to tell us about what the climate was like during those centuries. Written records, historical events, agricultural records/observations and architectural changes provide much better data to reconstruct older climate conditions then tree rings & sediment analysis do.

Did you know that there was also a Roman Warm period that was experienced at the same time in Han China?
That’s debatable but

Very much so ................

Was at a Family Party last weekend, when I referred to an Ecar in the drive - as Coal Fired !!! the Group Agreed !

but those buying them will never get past the "E" on the Badge to realize it !

A water pipeline to the West? How about desert-dwellers move East?

Plain and simple, moving or transporting resources to desert lands that were never meant to have those resources, or to support the millions of short-sighted fools who moved there, is absurd foolishness. Only in America would such a ludicrous proposition occur.

All throughout human history, if there were no resources to support human life, the response is for the humans to move themselves to where those resources belong. It's a heck of a lot easier and more sensible to pack a moving van and move back East where the resources are than it would be to construct this ridiculous and mega expensive pipeline 1,800 miles from the Mississippi River Watershed/Great Lakes, out to the desert, so people can have green lawns and golf courses amidst the desert wasteland.

Kurt Kelley, Boynton Beach, Florida
Seems like the science isn't close to being settled. I'm raising the alarmist poll with this declaration!

Here is hoping that policy makers, teachers, and everyone else listen to the group’s many points:
  • Natural causes contribute to climate changes.
  • Warming has been slower than predicted.
  • Climate policy is being based on inadequate models.
  • Carbon dioxide is plant food, and the basis for life on Earth.
  • Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
Perhaps the last point the CLINTEL Group makes is the most critical: Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.