Otten is a witchColdwater: 14
Bluffton: 0
2nd 5:33
2nd inning?Perkins 3
Glenville 2
Early 2nd
lol........2nd inning?
London fumble ensuing kickoff. Watty recovered....2 plays later 47 yd TD pass from Bellesari to Ulenhake....21-14 Watterson.London 14
Watterson 14
Weber 34 yard td run
Beat me to it! lol2nd inning?
Nice lol2nd inning?
bullpen blowing it......Nice lol
Couple of quick scores
Perkins 10
Glenville 8
6:30 half
Just had it on, working fine.The Marion Local game has frozen on my computer and no sound. Anybody else has this problem?