Wow! Lots of negative things to say on this post. First, I am not a former Warrior or any EBC school, I'm a Fitch graduate from a long time ago, that moved to South Range in 2002 and helped build a wrestling team as a start up program. I have always respected the West Branch program and the rich history of wrestling out there, in fact, they were one of the models I looked at when starting South Range youth program. As the former High School coach, I have met Coach Dorris at EOWL meetings but don't know him personally at all but the trash talking is way overboard. What all fans have to realize is the amount of time, effort and commitment these coaches do put in for very little pay. It's way more than practice once a day, coaching on Saturdays. Scheduling, early release from school, hotels, meals, entering criteria in tourneys, bussing, league meetings etc,,,,
Every school, regardless of division will experience rebuilding years. Look at Canfield, Beaver, Fitch and now South Range (who won State Duals just two years ago) they all had great teams recently and now are in rebuilding years. Obviously the bigger schools with more kids can possibly rebuild faster but it takes time and effort, especially for D2 and D3 schools, not trash talking. Rather than crucifying the guy, go HELP him if you think he needs it. Remember it's pretty easy to criticize from the cheap seats, not so easy to offer a helping hand. Just food for thought. They will be good again, just taking more time than some of your expectations. Just food for thought.