If the students represented a random sampling from a reasonable geographic area surrounding the school, I would agree. We both know this is not the case. My opinion is that the actual number of boys in the school has very little to do with it when you can hand-pick key athletes. It does not take many to make a huge difference. One key athlete can dominate. Many privates appear to focus on being magnets for athletics. Badin appears to be one of them. All you need to do is go to their web site and you can tell right away what their focus is (
https://www.badinhs.org/). The picture says it all.
Most publics have up and down years. From what I have observed, it is certain Catholic schools that have an uncanny ability to reload and be contenders almost every year without fail. Unless there is a coaching change and recruiting suffers for a year or two. Certainly there are exceptions but the trends are pretty hard to ignore. The feeder stream for athletes on average is quite different between public and privates.
I have also observed that the strength of small/mid-sized catholic athletics is inversely proportional to the size/quality of their marching band. I have always wondered why that is. Do they feel it is best to keep the money on the field? For Friday, I will be rooting for the D3 team that actually has a marching band.