157 up now. Taylor vs Sponsellor. PD call on Taylor's knee. Trainer on the mat. Back live now. Taylor in on a single, switches legs, gets the TD. 2-0. Taylor with tight waist. RS frosh vs. senior. Off the mat with 1:33 left in the first. :52 of RT for Taylor. Taylor riding hard. Turning him. 2NF, 4-0. Off the mat with 21 seconds left. Spiral ride. 10 seconds left. Time runs out. 2:25 in RT for Taylor. tOSU defers choice. Taylor takes down, Taylor quickly reverses, 6-0. 1:20 remaining in the second. <We are... Penn State. Crowd estimated at > 5,000>. 3:08 in RT now for Taylor. Spiral ride. Riding hard. Sponsellor flat on the mat. Taylor with 4m 8 seconds at end of second. On their feet for the 3rd, Taylor gets the TD and NF count. 12-0 for Taylor. 4:45 in RT for Taylor. One minute to go. Sponellor out with a roll, 12-1 Taylor. TD for Taylor. Turned him but no count. Final score 14-1 with 5:44 RT