Y'all lucky Smoove wasn't around to vaccinate that Stark COunty POY award, y'all! Wait, ummm, Smoove don't know why there is so much hate flyin' round up in here. Massillon win a title, poundin' people through the process, just like Smoove operationates, and people are upsettified that they QB not all-county, yet he is All-Ohio??? Hmmmm.......Get you heads out yo' rear ends, Massillon PEEPS!!!! Y'all won the smack down, the uppitty-up, the big-boppin' burrito, y'all!!!! Get a picture of that hardware and flaunt that thang!!!! Don't be tryin' to denuncificate and denouncify some other player's accomplishmentations.....As Smoove always do when there is a Concessionary Chickie that show mad respectification to Smoove and we go out on the town, "Let's go get it on!" Mad Props to Massillon. THAT was one bad-bootied defense y'all had, and while Smoove don't bow down to nones, well, unless Halle Berry would come up callin' out to Smoove (which has happenated before), then Smoove would definitely obligify whatever that fine thang would want, Smoove give the maddest props and accolades to Massillon for a well-done season.
Now QUIT THE pettiness, y'all, be like Smoove and just have kindness in yo tone, sweetness in yo words, and peace in yo hearts!! It is Christmas time, y'all, there lots of thangs to be grouchy and mean-spiritational about, but just try to be more like Smoove and be full of The Season and be grateful for FINALLY seeing Massillon win a 'ship on the field! Halle-Glory Berry, come find Smoove, Girl!!!! Smoove aims to Please!!! Smoove out