Chronicles Of The 2024 Presidential Election Part 2

Talk about a zero – Tim Walz is the worst. He was a terrible pick, chosen because Kamala needed to find someone who would not outshine her. That must have been hard. Her obvious pick was Josh Shapiro, who Republicans would be wise to actually be concerned about, but there was a problem with him the Democrats just could not tolerate. Walz was a stolen valor, commie-cavorting weirdo who gave off definite Ford-panel-van-parked-outside-the-middle-school vibes. What a zero.
"In high school, I couldn’t understand how people failed open-book tests. Now, I get it."
To get the right answers during an open book test at some point before taking the test you must open the book read a little of it maybe more than a little so that during the test you know where to turn in the book to get the right answers. If you never opened the book, the book is no help during the test.

On the weekend before Election Day, pollster Ann Selzer unleashed an Iowa survey for the Des Moines Register purporting to show Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump by 3 points in a state Harris supposedly had no business winning. The “late shift toward Harris,” declared the Des Moines Register, was happening because of older women dumping Trump. An editorial page writer from the Arizona Republic warned the “sudden and potentially seismic” numbers “change the nature of the national race.” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow spent 11 minutes gleefully promoting Selzer and calling her the “gold standard.” The liberal ladies of The View on ABC celebrated. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg X-posted “Iowa, you have shocked the nation.”

On it went, but Ms. GoldStandard™ missed the Iowa call by two touchdowns, plus a pair of two-point conversions. Trump won Iowa by 13 points, ran the table in the battleground states, and silenced Electoral College critics by winning a popular vote majority.

But the second reason is probably the more interesting one. Without this second reasoning, the first reason for men voting Trump might not have happened, at least not in such a large capacity.

The same leftist women who are mad at men for voting Trump drove men there, or at least their unforgiving, uncompromising ideology did.

This is something I've been covering for some time, even well before I came to work at RedState. The attacks against men by Democrats, popular culture, and women influenced by it has been an ongoing problem for well over a decade now. As corporate media was busy airing commercials, shows, and movies that depicted men as dangerous, idiots, undeserving, and lesser than women, the corporate news media was releasing articles describing men as the same, cherry-picking data and discussing stories that painted the male of our species in a horrible light.

And this is spot on:

So in a way, the left was right. Sexism did get Trump elected, but it wasn't the "inherent sexism" of men, it was the loud and prideful sexism of the left. Without its obvious anti-male prejudice, men may not have so readily received the influence of the right.

What you saw in 2024 was, in large part, masculinity's revenge against the left for its years of abuse. The fallout was the result of militant feminism, anti-male culture, and misandrist ideals in pop culture that drove men out of the left and into the arms of the right. The proverbial red pill was, in a way, shoved down the throats of men by the feminists themselves.

There's a lesson to be learned here for the left... sexism is bad.

Remember when all the usual suspects on Yappi were posting about this?

In a series of really bad "takes" coming from the national news, never mind the inaccurate reporting for a second, one of my favorites came toward the final days of the race when reporters, goaded in private messages from the Democrats, exulted that Trump rallygoers were leaving early or sleeping, or that rally events were half empty.

The Associated Press reported the night before the election here at the same event I was attending with a headline that read, "Empty seats become a more common sight at Trump's final rallies," suggesting his support was waning with the sentence, "The occasional scenes of empty seats offered a notable contrast to Democratic nominee Kamala Harris' biggest events."

Funny how the current POTUS can snap his fingers and enact a new tax. Who needs Congress when they've got a pen and a phone? I thought his team was all about democracy?!

......the article says she was still pissed about them FBI ninja dudes rummaging through her underwear drawers down at Mar-a-Lago, when the Leftists pulled that Lawfare nonsense predawn raid.
Yea the FBI agents ordered by AG Merit Garland to raid Trump's home armed to the teeth in a political stunt designed to damage Trump politically.
Are those strong, liberal men with TV shows and podcasts done crying over the election yet? It's embarrssing enough that you physically cry over election results, but how big of a do you have to be to cry on camera because your candidate lost?
…. Is this coming from the side that still has not stopped crying about the 2020 election and riot that followed … 😂😂😂😂
…. Is this coming from the side that still has not stopped crying about the 2020 election and riot that followed … 😂😂😂😂
Here's good little read from an Austin semi-liberal.

His statistical preamble unintentionally asks, "Was it suicide in '24, or Zuckerberg in '20?". Any gears grinding under that dome of yours, joe ? Smoke coming out the ears ?