Calls for HBO to “replace” Bill Maher with Jon Stewart on Real Time


Go Buckeyes
Calls are surfacing for Bill Maher to be replaced by Jon Stewart on Real Time according to new viral tweets.

Maher has hosted HBO’s Real Time for over 19 years, with the show continuing to attract millions to it’s weekly variety format of lively debate and monologue pieces. Maher however, is in no doubt as to his ability to infuriate even his most loyal viewers. The host has faced backlash in recent years for supposedly changing his political image, with many claiming he now champions typical right-wing talking points.
Yet another example of "You are cool if you agree with how we think". As soon as he says anything that goes against the left side of the political spectrum it's time to shut it down. If he still getting the viewers that means the people for the most part like what they're hearing.
Yet another example of "You are cool if you agree with how we think". As soon as he says anything that goes against the left side of the political spectrum it's time to shut it down. If he still getting the viewers that means the people for the most part like what they're hearing.
Irwin20 - Thats crazy. Maher is still overwhelming left leaning on most issues. It does tell you that the zealots are absolutely insane if they are really trying to cancel because he occasionally makes some sense.

He needs to be silenced before the Left fully abandons Israel to Iran & Co. Maher would take them to the wood shed daily if he had a mic anywhere near face with a show like that. Pre-emptive and payback for stirring the pot already.
But they want to cancel him.
Read the article. It is a small publication looking for clicks. There will ALWAYS be some Karens on Twitter calling for something stupid.

Despite this, it seems the social platform was largely divided on the viral issue. A tweet in response to the trend, read: “Change the channel if u don’t like Bill. I like him, don’t always agree with him, but I appreciate the dialogue.”

It’s true, despite growing backlash Maher may receive, the host still brings in a consistent viewer base to his show with at least a good number finding common ground on a number of contemporary political issues
I've never watched the show and have no interest in it. Sadly we allow Hollywood to influence way too many people.
He fights for Veterans and cops so of course MAGA hates him.
i think the main reason is because Bill Mahrer has some common sense to what he is saying now, and idiots like yourselfs, don't think he is WOKE enough.... and now Stewart is.... conservatives care about Cops and VETS..... liberals use them as a TOOL , just like they use black people.... you and the looneys don't give a DAM about them...
Did anyone even ask Jon Stewart if he would be interested in hosting a show? As far as I know, he retired because he didn't want to be doing a regular show.
He hosts The Problem on AppleTV - some of the topics are very well done. He's just so good with certain topics.
Love Bill Maher and think he is right on in most instances, adds a bit of comedy to some crazy topics too. He draws from both sides of the aisle which is a good thing in this day and age. I struggle to watch the entire show and prefer his round table discussion with guests more so than his monologue and interview segments.

What is interesting is Jon Stewart is starting to creep a little to the middle too. Now his style is still in your face journalism which stinks but if he were to take up this format and invite a cross section of views during a round table discussion he would probably eventually turn into Bill Maher 2.0.
Maher is spot on, of course. That’s what got the attention of the woke mob.

and by the way, I had no idea Hanks was so goofy. I find that kind of disappointing