"Butt Drag" Leads to Sexual Battery Charges

This will no doubt be a very interesting case. Whatever the jury decides, this no doubt will shed a bad light on the sport of wrestling. Watch the video of the news story. People need to understand the sport of wrestling and what it entails before they sign up their children.


This will be hard to prove or disprove. It is one person's word vs. another. I'm sure we will never know if this wrestler was actually doing the butt drag or if there was an intentional, malicious intent. What I mean is, was this kid really trying to do this move to score a takedown, or was this a "forceful sexual act". I don't think they have a case, because how you can possibly prove this?
WOW, ridiculous. Honestly, the "butt drag" that is shown in that video being hit by wrestlers isn't even a proper nor technically sound butt drag. Watch Jeff Jordan teach the butt drag, it's nothing like that at all. Don't know where these kids learned that technique but one it's wrong, two, no harm is intentionally being done by it. The dad of the alleged victim is a p*$$y and shouldn't have his son in the sport. Absolutely absurd.
It honestly sounds like hazing more than anything. It's during practice, involves picking on a specific wrestler, and it sounds to be somewhat intentional. This will be very difficult for the prosecution since there are several variables in which the defense can throw out there; it's a well-known wrestling tatic/move, thousands of kids practice the move across the nation, wrestlers get caught up in the intensity of long & vigorous practices which can cause them to lose focus, and the biggest factor is that the move was taught and drilled at the instrutions of their coach.

I find it hard to believe that the prosecution will win this battle.
Only in wretling do you stuff like this stupid case. We have to deal with weight, skin lesions and sexual assaults more then we have to deal with just the wrestling itself!!!:soapbox:
This will no doubt be a very interesting case. Whatever the jury decides, this no doubt will shed a bad light on the sport of wrestling. Watch the video of the news story. People need to understand the sport of wrestling and what it entails before they sign up their children.


For one, the sport of wrestling does not entail someone penetrating their opponents anus with a finger. This was a malicious act and should be punished.
Yeah, no wrestling technique involves insertion of anything into the anus. If the kid actually did that, purposefully, then he deserves to be punished.
Then there was this case couple years back when a senior was doing the move on the bus coming home from a meet. Read it here on Yappi, as well as OWNet. Remember?
This will be hard to prove or disprove. It is one person's word vs. another. I'm sure we will never know if this wrestler was actually doing the butt drag or if there was an intentional, malicious intent. What I mean is, was this kid really trying to do this move to score a takedown, or was this a "forceful sexual act". I don't think they have a case, because how you can possibly prove this?

this is a HAZING issue.
Well what's all the facts. Did the other kid get mat burn? Or Butt burn? I can just see a judge that wrestled asking this and busting up laughing and dismissing this crap.
Apparently, he was "in there" for over 30 seconds. This is a hazing incident, which will tragically, shine a bad light upon wrestling!:Ohno:

where were the coaches?
did he lie on the mat and ask for medical assistance before leaving and getting ram rodded by his basketball lover and claimed it happend at wrestling.

the burden of proof lies with the accuser.
anyone of you that says it happend could have false lies placed upon you
and how would you feel?
Yeah, no wrestling technique involves insertion of anything into the anus. If the kid actually did that, purposefully, then he deserves to be punished.

It's this kind of attitude that is leading our entire society astray. Every misdeed deserves to be punished COMPLETELY and by some "higher authority".

This is a womans attitude toward the world: "I need protection; I need someone to intervene on my behalf. Men, accept the world as it is and seek to overcome... to perservere.

If the kid didn't like having his oil checked, he could have got up and popped the kid that did it.

Man up, America!
The accuser shouldn't even be wrestling. I highly doubt the kid had his fingers in his anus for 30 seconds, that is just ridiculous! The complaining dad and the complaining son shouldn't be around wrestling if one move that many people practice is going to lead to this. MAN UP!
"A Fresno high school student is headed to court this week accused of committing a sex crime against a teammate on a wrestling mat. At issue is a controversial wrestling move called the butt drag, which some say amounts to sexual assault. Preston Hill, 17, has been charged with sexual battery after he performed the move on another student during wrestling practice. Hill is also facing expulsion from Buchanan High School, which is just outside of Fresno. The move calls for one wrestler to grab the other between the buttocks to turn him. For Ross Rice, the father of the alleged victim, the move went a little too far. " :banana: :Party:
Fresno Bee has a much better series of articles. No, he didn't scream out in pain. No he didn't say anything to anyone. There were parents in the room... no one saw anything out of the ordinary. He stayed for the party after practice. He did not seem out of sorts when he left. Went home and told his mother. So it seems to me that there is a wrestler in this situation who has been convicted without evidence before his trial (or at least he is being punished) because the school has to do "something." I don't know what the right answer is here.... there are probably only two people who do.
I still can't help but laugh.... I think the kid was put in a cowboy and had his own finger,fingers,fist in himself..I just hope this doesn't turn out like the OJ case and become the old slogan " If The Glove Fits" better hope the kid didn't wash his hands after raping the wrestler for 30 LONG seconds. I have only seen butt drags take 2-3 seconds....there is more to this story.
haha it is from BMS. seriously though, what were these coaches doing? that move takes two seconds to hit, they are saying that this kid stuck his fingers in his anus and kept them there for 30 seconds? that is ridiculous
that's the first thing i thought of when i read this thread.But, what kind of girl, or better yet, what kind of dad lets his daughter wrestle:wallbang:

What kind of girl of wrestles you ask? How about Paige Nemec state qualifier last year. How about the all girls team based out of Crestwood? I am sure that some folks will say that this is a men's sport and there was a time when that was true but that time has long passed. Like it or not the women are out from behind the stove and no longer barefoot and pregnant, in fact some of them put on wrestling shoes! :eek:

As far as the dad's of the female wrestlers allowing thier daughters to wrestle. Many of these girls grew up in wrestling rooms watching big brother wrestle and at some point decided to give it a try. If you are in a wrestling family it is in the blood. Could you really see a wrestling dad saying "no, Jane, I don't want you to wrestle go tryout for girl's basketball." At the end of the day the main reason men don't want women in the sport is because noone wants to lose to a girl. Women's wrestling is an olympic sport. While it is growing in popularity among young women there is nowhere near enough to sustain a girl's division at any level from youth to HS. Until there is enough interest this will be the one sport where Boys and Girls will have to share the mats.

Happy New Year!!
that's the first thing i thought of when i read this thread.But, what kind of girl, or better yet, what kind of dad lets his daughter wrestle:wallbang:

I wish my daughter would wrestle! She's constantly fighting with her older brothers, and she'd be pretty good. Middletown's 103 is a girl, who had pretty successful JH seasons. Paige Nemec would probably take exception to that statement, too. I also know a very good HS coach who's daughter is a JH wrestler. My sons have had to wrestle girls in both Youth & JH. If they wanna play rough - LET THEM!

With Title IX wiping out more college programs, getting females involved in the sport is the best answer to stemming the tide of cancelled college programs.
With Title IX wiping out more college programs, getting females involved in the sport is the best answer to stemming the tide of cancelled college programs.

Have to disagree with you on that one dadseyeview. First off, have you ever seen a WNBA womens hoops game? How is getting females involved in our mens ncaa programs the answer to title X? Have you ever been to a WNVA womens hoops game? It is a joke almost in terms of attendance. The sad thing is..EVEN WOMEN do not go and watch them compete.

One of the answers is making less scholarship players available to the NCAA football teams. The pros limit is like 55 or something like that on game day. There is no way that a football team needs over 65 to 75 players ona sideline in a college football game. Just my opinion.