Best things for wrestler 2 eat after weighin?

Assuming the wrestler is cutting in the "usual" fasion, I would think first and foremost would be something to rehydrate. Ordinarily, I am against high sugar drinks, but in this case the wrestler needs the sugar for rapid energy burst. I would choose a drink with a lot of natural sugars like grape juice. I would follow up with plenty of water. As far as food, I would eat medium acting carbs that do not contain a lot of added sugars and some healthy fats (also for energy). Whole grain foods preferred (e.g. Peanut Butter on whole grain bread and a banana, oatmeal w/raisins & walnuts, yogurt & granola, handful of nuts). Immediately after competition, I would take in a fair amount of protein (like Milk or a protein shake) to help repair the tissue broken down during competition.

Disclaimer: I claim no expertese in nutrition and offer this merely as an expression of my unprofessional opinion. This is not intended to be construed as medical advice or even legitimate advice and should not be used as such. Always consult a trained professional for nutritional advice. (Disclaimer for your enjoyment, Joe...)
wrestlers should eat foods that are easily broke down by the body. cereal is a good food to eat. oatmeals.,and so forth., plus plenty of water, but not to much to cause sickness. stay away from sugars, unless they come from natural foods, such as fruits.
These are all great ideas for after weigh-ins, but most of the kids are throwing pizza, candy, mcds, bk, soda, or anything else that isn't good for them down your their throats.
Assuming the wrestler is cutting in the "usual" fasion, I would think first and foremost would be something to rehydrate. Ordinarily, I am against high sugar drinks, but in this case the wrestler needs the sugar for rapid energy burst. I would choose a drink with a lot of natural sugars like grape juice. I would follow up with plenty of water. As far as food, I would eat medium acting carbs that do not contain a lot of added sugars and some healthy fats (also for energy). Whole grain foods preferred (e.g. Peanut Butter on whole grain bread and a banana, oatmeal w/raisins & walnuts, yogurt & granola, handful of nuts). Immediately after competition, I would take in a fair amount of protein (like Milk or a protein shake) to help repair the tissue broken down during competition.

Disclaimer: I claim no expertese in nutrition and offer this merely as an expression of my unprofessional opinion. This is not intended to be construed as medical advice or even legitimate advice and should not be used as such. Always consult a trained professional for nutritional advice. (Disclaimer for your enjoyment, Joe...)

Hahaha. Had to know I would say somthing! Practice makes perfect NWD!
These are all great ideas for after weigh-ins, but most of the kids are throwing pizza, candy, mcds, bk, soda, or anything else that isn't good for them down your their throats.

I don't know what team you're with, but none of the wrestlers on our team, or any I've seen are eating junk after weigh-ins. Now, later in the day, may be a different story, though for the most part kids pack healthy lunches or are provided food by our team parents. Occasional junk doesn't bother me.
Food prematch

Pears, bananas, oatmeal (w/out milk) stay away from all milk products, and meats. Hamburger can take up to 24 hours to digest, thus pulling blood from the extremities to make the stomach work better. If they want something with sugar in it, have them eat granola bars.
Do we always practice what I preach - no. Should we some day - yes.
My routine after weigh ins:

First: I would drink 8-10 oz. of pickle juice. Why? Ever cramp when wrestling? This is usually caused by not having any salts in your bad. This happens when you cut weight and drain the water out of your system and also draining salts. This causes the cramping sensation in your kidneys. Drinking pickle juice (full of salt) helps prevent it. I can honestly say that when I did this I rarely ever cramped in any matches.

Second: I would drink 24-32 oz. of ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER, not cold water. Any wrestler who has ever cut weight knows that after eating and drinking after weigh-ins their body is freezing cold later. Why? You drink all that ice cold water and gatorade! Your body is going from being dehydrated to being full of ice cold liquid. Your body can't bring any of that liquid into the blood stream until it warms it to body temperature. Therefore, it all just sits, ice cold, in your stomach heating up. Drink room temperature water and it gets digested MUCH faster and, therefore, you rehydrate quicker.

Last: Like mentioned above, eat foods that can be easily broken down and digested by the body. Granola bars, cliff bars, power bars, maybe half a bagel with cream cheese. That is about it. Try not to stuff yourself. Bad news.

After eating and drinking get a hard warm up in. A really good sweat, you want to feel like you have already wrestled two live matches. Hard drill, maybe four or five thirty second live gos and some sprints and you are good. It helps to digest the food.

Note: One sugar drink is good, even 12 oz. of gatorade is fine. Try not to drink more then that though. Sugary drinks will give you a quick boost of energy, but two hours later you will hit a wall and feel drained. For a dual meet you are fine, but if its a all day tournament its a bad idea to continuously drink energy drinks, gatorade, powerade etc. Water is always the best.

I hope this helps! Good luck!
Fast acting high glycemic Carb "top secret"then a slow burning low glycemic Carb,Sweet Potato ,A lot of those bars have rice n oats ,A bad idea when drinking as they will expand in your stomach with the loads of water that gets drank after weigh inns and will slow you down ,
Bagel n cream cheese is probably good a fast and slower burning carb.
I don't know what team you're with, but none of the wrestlers on our team, or any I've seen are eating junk after weigh-ins. Now, later in the day, may be a different story, though for the most part kids pack healthy lunches or are provided food by our team parents. Occasional junk doesn't bother me.

You would be surprised how many wrestlers are eating junk that is bad for them after weigh-ins. I watched so many wrestlers bring in donuts, greasy foods from McDonalds or BK, and just about everything else you can imagine. I even saw the energy drinks (Monster, Red Bull) being consumed, and bottle after bottle of pop. It is worse for the evening matches, when they have been starving themselves all day during school to make sure they make weight, and then have their parents bring them the fast food so that they can eat something quick before they wrestle.

I always tried to make sure I brought plenty of healthy alternatives for my son after weigh-ins. But don't get me wrong, my son did the same things on a couple of occassions (stopping after school for those stupid McDonalds Snack Wraps) and could always feel the difference when he ate the junk food and when he ate what he KNEW he should be eating.