Bad timing on assaulting a police officer

Nebraska CB Alfonzo Dennard was arrested early Saturday after allegedly assaulting a Lincoln, Neb., police officer.

He was projected to go in the 2nd to 3rd rd. Looks like a typical Bengal pick in the 4th now.

Carlos Dunlap was a projected 1st round, possibly Top 15 pick than got a DUI and fell to the Bengals in the 2nd round.

He has since had a stellar career for the Bengals, been a model citizen, and was the first Bengal to complete the leagues offseason MBA program.

Sometimes people make stupid decisions that turn their life around in a significant way, and sometimes teams reap the benefit by getting a player for cheap or better value.

But sometimes they don't. The kid will pay the price in his draft stock but also have the chance to redeem himself. May force him to play in Spring if that actually happens so it might turn out okay for Nebraska either way.