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  1. C

    First AP Ohio HS Football Poll

    High school football was not unanimously more important to all communities back in the day. The MAC’s success is a relatively recent occurrence. While I’ve never been to a MAC game other than playing at Versailles prior to their MAC days I would guess the interest in high school football has...
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    First AP Ohio HS Football Poll

    Should make everyone realize how ridiculous some of the state championships prior to the playoffs probably were
  3. C

    First AP Ohio HS Football Poll

    St Chucks #9 in D2! Xenia a 1st place vote?!! I love it!!! Let’s gooooo! So glad it’s football season. As Don King once said…..Only in America!!
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    Newark Catholic 0-3 at Mogadore 0-3 ….. You’re kidding, right?

    NC needs to get outta the LCL. It’s grown too big for their enrollment
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    7 middle, high school football deaths in a month

    Wonder why? Is it more than 25 years ago?
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    Ohio Heritage Conference 2024

    Honestly if you look at what those boys did last year….playing games with 13 players and fighting until the end! If they had forfeited a game it would have been a stain on that program that is hard to wipe off, now this year doing what they’re doing….i love to see it. Dimitroff for coach of the...
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    Friday Finals (9/6/24)

    Watterson 41 Stanley Jackson’s Dad Ball Westerville North 6. They sure did look sweet during 7on7 season though. Congrats on that
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    GCL Coed 2024

    DeSales 17 Badin 3
  9. C

    Central Buckeye Conference (CBC) 2024

    The last 20 years they’ve had 6 losing seasons. I consider mediocre to be 5-5. Prior to that they were very strong with Devon Lattimore and Devin Lybertus. Also…..give them a little grace and allow for an inflated head or 2….how often does a program like Bellefontaine have the #1 player in the...
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    Central Buckeye Conference (CBC) 2024

    Within their area and conference throughout their history they are far from mediocre. One of the better programs in the area. But we’re talking about an area and conference that hasn’t produced a state title and only produces a state contender once every 25-30 years. Definitely not mediocre though
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    Wk 1 Pick Central vs Harvest Prep

    Freezing cold take
  12. C

    Wk 1 Pick Central vs Harvest Prep

    Anyone sincerely picking HP and not just doing it for the Skip Bayless gimmick doesn’t understand
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    Ohio Heritage Conference 2024

    Need to break out some NIL $. Did Mo Douglass terminate his minor league affiliation agreement with CC?
  14. C

    Central Ohio 2024 Storylines

    The last 2 years DeSales has lost to Walsh 97-21. Hoban thumped Walsh pretty good those years so Hoban DeSales would’ve been a mismatch as well. What I meant was that while Watty and DeSales are obviously playing the same sport it looks completely different than the game Hoban and Walsh are...
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    Central Ohio 2024 Storylines

    This thread has been dead for a while! It’s week 1! What are the top games in Central Ohio? I’m looking forward to the 2 CCL VS OCC games. DeSales vs Berlin and Watterson vs Big Walnut. Always interesting to see how it shakes out when these 2 conferences play
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    Richmond Heights

    All of their resources are going towards paying their basketball players to “move in” to their school district… $ for football
  17. C

    New League: Ohio Catholic Athletic Conference

    So you’re saying if Akron just gets the right mentality they can beat Ohio State this year! If you think Watterson would have won had they just had a different mentality then I’m sorry to say you don’t understand the game!
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    New League: Ohio Catholic Athletic Conference

    Admittedly I know nothing about that 2005 Watty team so I assume you’re right. However, since I’ve begun paying attention Watterson has won or lost while almost exclusively relying on players from their feeder system. There have been a handful come from other places but that’s rare
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    New League: Ohio Catholic Athletic Conference

    What about the Catholic schools that don’t recruit other than their feeder schools and their rosters are almost entirely built by their feeder system. They exist as well. You ever hear of Watterson?
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    School Names that are often Mispronounced

    Russia Versailles Houston Bellefontaine Out of stater bonus: Lima