Seems to be getting hard not to be a racist.


Well-known member
A High School in Portland, Oregon was set to change their mascot name from the Trogans to the new name of Evergreens. It seems to have hit a little snag and a delay in the vote to adopt the new name was announced. It has been pointed out that trees have been used in the act of lynchings. Does it seem to you as it does me that there are some people that work overtime to make everything about race and being racist?
A High School in Portland, Oregon was set to change their mascot name from the Trogans to the new name of Evergreens. It seems to have hit a little snag and a delay in the vote to adopt the new name was announced. It has been pointed out that trees have been used in the act of lynchings. Does it seem to you as it does me that there are some people that work overtime to make everything about race and being racist?
Is Hubman currently in Oregon?
A High School in Portland, Oregon was set to change their mascot name from the Trogans to the new name of Evergreens. It seems to have hit a little snag and a delay in the vote to adopt the new name was announced. It has been pointed out that trees have been used in the act of lynchings. Does it seem to you as it does me that there are some people that work overtime to make everything about race and being racist?
It's a nice little cottage industry.
The main requirement for being a racist is to not be a liberal. That's a leadpipe cinch to make you a racist.
Who cares? Once the idiot was placed in office (2021), we're all racist no matter what party, skin color, nationality, etc...Another case of creating a problem then having the govt. swoop in and confiscate our money to waste on their problem.
So this afternoon I'm watching an older episode of Law & Order, and Claire Kincaid proposes to a judge that she erect a "Chinese wall" so that the McCoy will discover evidence inevitably, separate from inadmissable evidence she came across.

In the very next episode, McCoy utters the word "Mick" four times in six seconds, to describe the ethnicity of suspects in a case.

The 1990's were very racist. I won't tell the words I heard yesterday while watching "El Dorado" (1967), other than to say James Caan made a very credible Oriental immigrant while fooling and overcoming the bad guys' security guard.