What Movies Did You See In February 2014?

Stitches (Ireland-2012)

horror: undead clown seeks revenge on teens, complete with one liners.... !!!!!


Feng Shui (Thailand-2003)

horror: I'm probably the only one who has seen this movie as it has no viewer rating on IMDB. Not sure what was going on but it had something to do with a family who's one brother had an unhealthy liking to his sister and throw in some urban legend spirit things and uh, well... who cares... 2.5/8
Mausoleum (US-1983)

horror: 80's cheese flick!!!! ... The Nomad first born women are cursed and what ever you do do not go in to the Mausoleum.... well, if she didn't we would not have a movie.... 3.0/8

Lady Frankenstein (Italy-1971)

horror: Nuts, this was not the uncut version but the US version of "La figlia di Frankenstein" Well, at least all the goodies were still in it but they did cut out over 10 minutes of dialogue which some was important to the story. Anyhoo, Frankenstein creates a monster that goes on a killing spree... meanwhile, his daughter falls in love with the body of one of the help but the brains of the assistant so she being a surgeon does some experimenting as well..... this version was poor quality.... 2.5/8


Russia's first IMAX 3D movie epic is fittingly about the greatest battle in Russian history. Amazing sets, cinematography and war sequences highlight this harrowing take on what many consider to be the most beastly battle ever fought in human history. A sequence showing a Russian assault against German lines across the Volga river at night rivals the D-Day landings depicted in "Saving Private Ryan".

I highly recommend this movie if you're a WW 2 history buff. The battle of Stalingrad may have been the single most important battle of that war.

A couple of cautions though:

* In between the war sequences the story is slow and as would be expected from a Russian version contains nuances that probably flew right over my head.

* The movie is in Russian and German with English subtitles. Now before you run for the exits I got used to the subtitles real quick and didn't have a problem with them.

Bottom line if you've seen the story of Stalingrad on the Smithsonian or The History Channel and was really interested, check this version out to get the Russian take on events.