'The Blue Line flag represents my son': Ohio father battles HOA to keep flag flying

The key takeaway is that the HOA permits the owner to fly an American flag. But the Blue Line flag is not the American flag. I agree with Hammerdrill re abolishing HOA's, but from what I've read, HOA's in Ohio are within their rights to expect the Blue Line flag to be taken down. I read somewhere there was a bill introduced in the Ohio statehouse to change this, but I don't think it passed.

Unless someone knows different, the father would have given his consent to the restrictions when he moved there. If he wants to go against them now, he's responsible for the resulting fines.

The person who ripped down the flag and wiped their nose with it in front of the father needs to be throat-punched. But the nose-wiper has zero to do with the father's dispute against the HOA.

I feel bad for the father about the loss of his son. No father should have to live through that. But father's status as a disabled combat veteran has zero to do with this dispute, unless the HOA has previously granted such individuals special exemptions in this area.

Well said, ITA

For what it’s worth, we live in a neighborhood with an HOA. As someone said, most new developments have them. We moved in here about 20 years ago when the neighborhood was still being built. Overall, I think they’re fine. There’s always a story or two like this, but the vast majority of HOAs are benign.
I would never live in a place with a HOA...any development that would allow people like me to move in is no place for me.
As long as the HOA is consistent in upholding their rules then so be it.

TBH I think it is weird someone would complain and then walk up, take it down, and wipe their face with it. So weird.

If they put a democrat in charge you would be allowed burn down the entire neighborhood if you have a BLM flag in your hand, just don't walk through taking selfies after hours or it's prison time.