School Names that are often Mispronounced

Padua ( at least for me). I know I mispronounced it for years until I had a colleague from Ohio tell me I was pronouncing it wrong. So I am only assuming others may have as well.

I was saying: Pa-do-a
Supposed correct is: Pad-u-a
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Bellefontaine (bell-fountain)

Wapakoneta (waa-puh-kuh-neh·tuh)

Dalton (DAL-tin, not doll)

Kirtland (often called Kirkland on here, although that might be more autocorrect's fault)
Pronouncing Bellefontaine like that is just dumb lol Bell-Fon-tane sounds so much better
It appears my southern ohio high school education really has failed me in pronunciation for a wide majority. Never forget meeting Massillon and having said I wrong forever. Same for Celina, Bellfontaine
Akron Buchtel (Book-Toll)
Not Book-Tell
And also it’s spelled BUCHTEL not Bucthel
Buck-tel is how I've heard it mispronounced a lot.

East Palestine (though the train wreck has gotten their name widely known but the Tine-Teen last syllable was a common error).

Conneaut. I learned from traveling that people really did think it's "Canoe" the water vessel or "Cah-newt". It's Con-EE-Ought.

Pymatuning Valley. This is more my grandmother's generation and others in the area where that Western PA drawl turns it into "pam-a-tune-ing" instead of "Pie-ma-tune-ing". Younger people get it right by that old WPA vocal sound is still common (but dying with phrases like Red-up, etc).

I know some are just butchered because the spelling looks suspect.

Bucyrus, Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Massillon, Wapakoneta, etc.

If you ever deal with people outside Ohio who aren't from Ohio reference city names in Ohio, you know Massillon is getting butchered. It's always "Mass-ih-lawn" or "Mah-sill-on" or "Mah-sill-in". The emphasis is never right. I don't blame anyone having trouble with Wapakoneta. I did laugh at someone calling it "Ash-tabula" like "Ash-spatula".
I ran into someone from Ohio in Vegas once. We chatted. They were from Pataskala. They thought I was joking, since I butchered the name so bad.

Padua is another one I've wildly missed on when talking to a Bruin. Again, he thought I was messing with him for how bad I said it.

Those two definitely go on the list.