Enrollment Numbers 2020 - 2021

It was - but it was also before the state delayed their vote. Once that happened, it became pretty obvious it's likely too late in the game to change anything this year, and those on the fence knew they'd likely get the voucher this year. That's why the number is drastically increasing late in the game.
Okay trey. Lol
It likely isn’t if you know math, but the readiness scores on percentage of college kids needing remediation shows Elder kids are better prepared than most local schools and far better than Oak Hills.

LOL - sure, if you compare Elder vs OH overall.

You keep doing that, and I keep telling you it's a terrible comparison. Compare college intent kids with college intent kids, and there's not much difference.
What's most ironic is that you will defend all of this all day long, yet you didn't even send your kid to Elder, likely for some of the same reasons you are arguing for. LOL I'm fine with that choice, but your constant dismissal of my thoughts are really funny.

I have plenty of those PMs too. LOL
What's most ironic is that you will defend all of this all day long, yet you didn't even send your kid to Elder, likely for some of the same reasons you are arguing for. LOL I'm fine with that choice, but your constant dismissal of my thoughts are really funny.

I have plenty of those PMs too. LOL
Well, when you make up your own reality and facts; I’m sure fictitious people pm their support too. Lolz
The people that are not choosing Elder are the ones that are actually deciding to pay MORE for St X.

They see more value at X at a higher price point. What's that say?

Every family on the westside would send their kids to Elder if the pricetag was $7,000. At some point, which seems to be the $10-11K mark, value starts to come into question.

The families choosing X over Elder are also "X" families for the most part. It's a rare occurence that somebody from the westside who didnt attend X themselves or grow up as X families are sending their children to X. Sure it happens but it's not on some grandiose level.