2019 Football

I'm hearing a deal was worked out with Coach Elder and it will be announced at the 11:15 meeting. I guess this went from him being offered, he turned it down and I guess they were able to work out the pay and he accepted. I guess we will find out in a couple hours.
LETSGOBIGMOE.com there is supposed to be a live broadcast today at noon announcing who the new football coach will be.
Yes and the meeting with the actual team will be at 11:15, so I'm sure the news will unofficially be released by some of the kids.
I have to laugh at this because one parent texted a group of football parents the day Rosfeld was named saying their son said some guy named Rodenfeld was the new coach. Kids
Here are a couple articles:

Looks like the AD at EKU resigned and Elder's contract was set to expire in Dec anyway. Last two seasons were 7-4 and 7-5 and it really looked like he was turning it around, so the AD resignation has got to be what that was about.

Enquirer Article:

Having the college credentials and connections should help boost the program. Kids wanting to get a college football scholarship might want to play there again.
I've wondered the same thing. After watching his press conference if what he's saying is true, that he wants to be in Cincinnati and that being a a high school head coach was the plan all the time, then I think this is a great hire. With his experience it will draw players to Moeller. If this is just a stop until the next college coaching job comes up then it's not going to be a good hire. Last year the word was that Hudson didn't get hired because the Administration was worried that he would leave if a college job came calling. If what he said at the press conference he means then we have a coach for the next 25-30 years or longer. If not then I guess we have to hope Zach Taylor fails and Rosfeld comes back to Moe. I wish Coach Elder the best so let's support him and get things back on track. GBM!