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  1. A

    Ask The Ump?

    Lol. Ok, let's see if this helps you visualize this. Assume a 0.1" gap between the ball & both sides - that means the ball would be totally within the plate, not even adjacent to the edge. That would still leave 17 - (0.1 * 2) = 16.8". Doesn't really matter the diameter of the ball...
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    Ask The Ump?

    Uh, plate would still be 17" if entire ball had to be within width of plate. A ball just within on the inside and one just within on the outside would still leave 9.4" in between the 2 softballs...
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    Ask The Ump?

    I think about it like this: what if you tell a pitcher to hit someone and it somehow ends up hitting the kid in the head or face? It could kill or maim the player. Are you ready to deal with knowing you caused that type of injury? How about also dealing with ruining the pitcher's life and...
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    Umpire Assaulted During 8u Game

    People have been enabling this douche for years. Who would've thunk it? Link
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    Ask The Ump?

    I've also had to walk down past 3rd base and wipe out lines after the base that wobbled back and forth and then curved off toward out of play. Had my partner do the same at 1st. I've let wobbly lines go before, but I really wasn't looking forward to a ball hitting 3 feet outside of where the...
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    Baseball cliches

    Or "C'mon Blue!" Where we goin'?
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    Baseball cliches

    The obvious: Mom & Dad: "Just throw strikes!" Kid: "Ya think? Why didn't I think of that?" Btw, terrible long term advice. Of course that's what most dad's do. Crouch down and place the glove in the middle of the plate, waist high. Such a shame to waste all that practice time.
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    Ask The Ump?

    Incorrect regarding live territory. He must have a glove and must be positioned between them and the batter to protect them from a batted or thrown ball within the confines of the playing field. A helmet is not required, but I would recommend it.