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    Warren G. Harding 2024

    For the record, if nobody else corrected this already, Shawn Flowers was a West Jr. Cowboy
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    Warren G. Harding 2024

    interviews were last weekend
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    Youngstown Area Coaching Changes

    I agree coach Rios got a raw deal. However at that time [and I believe this is still the case] supplemental contracts, including coaching contracts, were all for one year. Technically coaches are not "fired" they are not renewed
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    #6 Austintown Fitch (6-3) vs #11 Warren Harding (5-5) "the rematch"

    early on Fitch took away the long ball by going with two high safeties, leading to an interception on an attempted post pattern. The WGH adjustment was the runs by the QB as this gave them a numbers advantage in the box. It worked pretty well until Fitch started going with one safety on first...
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    Warren G. Harding Raiders 2021 Football Preview

    thanks Worm, another good job