Search results

  1. M

    C'mon Milesplit!

    I agree the results not getting populated quickly is a problem, but I have no idea what it is you think you are paying for. Registration for meets is free for both entering teams and hosting teams. Posting of results is also free. Sure you can pay for additional details in rankings, but...
  2. M

    Timing First results not in MileSplit

    There is a team filter at milesplit.
  3. M

    Jeannie Rice Sets World Record in London

    I know this isn't a high school story, but those who have been running in Northeast Ohio for the last 4+ decades probably know, or know of, Jeannie. She's always been amazing and keeps getting more amazing every year...
  4. M

    2024 Track

    Or maybe it's just a bit of exaggeration... Roster on milesplit only shows 39 boys:
  5. M

    Double Duals vs Tri-Meet

    Why should Double Duals and Triple Duals count as multiple meets against the limit of 16 meets for season? How is this in the best interest of the sport? It's certainly not a safety issue for the kids since they run the same races either way. I only see it as hurting the kids since there are...
  6. M

    Favorite Coaching App for iPad (technique work)

    A quick survey... Do you use any coaching apps on an iPad to assist with technique work in sprints and field events? If so, what apps do you like?
  7. M

    Email to cc & tf coaches

    I went to the OATCCC website but couldn't find the video. If you have the link, please post it.
  8. M

    Email to cc & tf coaches

    It would be great if someone actually involved with the discussions between the OATCCC and the OHSAA could clearly explain what is going on. I have been told that the OHSAA is committed to doing things the same way for other sports per ENA2's description. They aren't looking for special...
  9. M

    What's the board coming to? No mention of the OATCCC Proposal for 5 XC-6 Track Divisions

    With regard to 5 divisions in XC, consider the possibility they don't retain the district/regional concept and just go to more regional meets with no districts. Michigan has 9 regions feeding their state meet in cross-country. They seem to do ok in XC every year with that approach.
  10. M

    Milesplit XC Filters

    Does anyone know what's going on with the filters at milesplit? They have cleaned up and reorganized all of the track filters but have completely eliminated the district, regional, and state filters for cross-country. Are they going to stop doing rankings for XC?
  11. M

    Mohican State Park - Trails/Beach?

    Why? I'm not seeing any water quality alerts online.
  12. M

    Mohican State Park - Trails/Beach?

    We're considering a day trip for some trail running and beach time. Mohican looks like it might be a decent option. Can anyone evaluate this loop for running and tell me if there's a decent beach/swimming at the Pleasant Hill Lake Park?
  13. M

    What is the fastest mile ever run on Ohio soil on an outdoor track for women?

    It wasn't on a track but there were 6 women faster than 4:33 at the Guardian mile last year:;perpage:100
  14. M

    All-Time Lists Update - UPDATED 4 November - Boys' 4x1,2,4,8 added

    You've probably provided it in other threads, but can you provide a link to your lists here? Thanks.
  15. M

    Schools Not Happy With OHSAA After State Track Meet

    There is a reason we want to sit in the shade rather than the sun on a hot day and it has nothing to do with the air temperature. Air temperatures in sun and in the shade are the same if you are in an environment that is unaffected by heating due to radiation. The difference in comfort in the...
  16. M

    Schools Not Happy With OHSAA After State Track Meet

    I'm going to have to agree with Pyscho on this one... Friday was pretty similar on a temperature-in-the-shade basis, but most are not in the shade. The track has no shade, so competitive conditions need to be compared without shade. The sun is more directly overhead during DII than during...
  17. M

    Heat Sheets

    It's noon the day before the DI Regional at Youngstown, so I am surprised that I cannot find heat sheets. Are they posted some where and I am just overlooking them?
  18. M

    better way?

    The State Tournament (Districts + Regionals + State) is not designed, nor intended, to find the 16 (or 18) fastest athletes in each event. It merely identifies one athlete in each event that wins the tournament. That would require a radically different season-long approach that in practical...
  19. M

    Keeping Track - Spring 2023 by Rod O'Donnell

    From the article: --According to the OHSAA Rule Book, the use of the infield areas for warming up is prohibited. At a few venues, such as Pickerington North, this does not present a problem, thanks to the location of the middle school stadium adjacent to the similar high school facility...