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    Western reserve discussion

    Grand Valley (Orwell)
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    Would you happen to have a link to this article?
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    Worst Ohio HS FB stadiums

    Remember, this is also a district that can't/won't pass a levy to replace an over 100 yr old high school building.
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    Worst Ohio HS FB stadiums

    According to the Trib, this is supposed to be addressed: Definitely long, long overdue... thankfully, no one ever got hurt from those partially condemned stands.
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    Sebring Head Coaching Opening

    And Mathews 2016
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    Sebring Head Coaching Opening

    Not sure of the legitimacy of this, but this was forwarded to me the other day.
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    D7 R25

    His name is Dylan Drummond...starting WR for Eastern Michigan. Just saw him this past week on one of the ESPN's....looked great!
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    Cuyahoga Heights should play Vienna Mathews week 6...

    It certainly would not get Coach Bohren another win, that s for certain!